Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I woke up aching. My entire body felt like I had been hit by a train, and yet my heart was numb. I felt nothing and everything all at once.  

I sat up in the unfamiliar bed and looked around the unfamiliar room. Everything that happened yesterday came roaring back all at once, and I wondered why I couldn't have just cried myself to death last night. Choking on my own tears sounded like a better outcome than marrying Inanis and living with his arm around me always.

Or maybe it was best, at least then I could have a chance to kill him and then kill myself.

I pulled the blankets off me, and slowly got out of the massive bed. I was greeted immediately by a wave of cold, and I regretted getting out of the blankets already.

Still, they weren't my blankets, and it wasn't my bed, so I wanted nothing to do with them.

I opened the door of the room, only to be greeted by a guard. He didn't stop me, though, in fact he stepped out of my way, allowing me to pass.

I walked out of the room, and hesitantly stepped away from the guard, who followed me as I walked down the stairs.


I wasn't really sure where I was going, or where to even go, as the house was so big, I could easily get lost if I didn't pay attention. I noticed the dining room where Inanis and his mother was last night and entered there. The table was cleaned off, and of course the room was empty, no signs of Inanis or his mother anywhere. Probably for the best.

I noticed another room connecting to the dining room, so I decided to explore. Inanis called this my 'temporary household' so I'm going to damn well do as I please.

The spare door lead to the kitchen, the grandest kitchen I had ever seen. The floors were decorated in glistening tile, and the countertops and cabinets were of pure marble.

Marble cabinets. I'd actually be impressed if I wasn't aware that this house was associated with The Bone Cutter. He is unnecessarily dramatic with everything, apparently that included his mother's home interior.

There were quite a few chefs running about, cooking food that smelt bland to me. My appetite was non-existing at the moment, and from what I can tell, it wouldn't be back for a while.

Inanis does that to me.

I left the kitchen to another room. There was a grand piano, and multiple sofas. This must be the living room, or at least one of them.

I was a little upset to find Inanis's mother sitting on one of the sofas, drinking a cup of coffee, and scrolling through her cellphone. She looked up at me, and her eyes narrowed.

"Oh, you're awake." Her voice was flat, and though I wasn't too fond of her either, her hating me for no reason really irked me.

How dare she treat me wrongly when it was her son who almost killed my father?

She huffed a sigh, "Come sit." She beckoned for me to sit on the couch directly opposite of hers. I obeyed, deciding that I didn't want to have a full-on brawl with a four-hundred-pound woman right now. Maybe later.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever. I realized I preferred the silence, at least then I wouldn't have to answer to a woman who seemed to wish I was the one Inanis slaughtered on television.

"So." She put down her coffee cup on the table beside her and placed her hands on her lap. "You're going to marry my son." She said it as a statement, a true fact.

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