Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I have taken a 2 month break and i apologize but hi im back

im sorry this chapter is boring but also im writing again so there are more updates to come. i am excited to dive further into this story and begin some drastic character development that i am excited to experiment with


Chapter Thirty-Seven 

Everything was in absolute chaos. If it weren't for Inanis's obsessive need to keep me moving, I would have already passed out from the crazy.

There were riots outside the White House, and others taking place all over the country. All of America was in pieces due to the betrayal of our twisted president. I don't blame them for being angry, but I find the riots to be unnecessary, and only making matters worse.

Burning businesses and looting from innocents isn't going prove any point, other than the fact that this country is inhabited by animals. They don't care about what's happening in the White House, they only want an excuse to pursue crime.

Inanis and I were to announce to the public the presidential killing, which will be July 4th, a fitting date.

July 4th was only six days away. Six days for me to gather my sanity and protect it at all cost.

The worst part was that we had to announce the killing here, at the White House, where the president and the first lady will boldly stand by our sides.

I will be mere inches away from the woman I will slaughter with my own hands in less than a week. It was revolting, and I could feel my skin crawl at the thought.

Inanis was ecstatic, of course. Always moving, never stopping. His eyes were lit up in a manner of such intensity, that I couldn't find it within myself to bring him down.

He's never looked so alive, and because the situation was so absurdly vile, I'll let him feel it, just this once.

"You should really eat more, wife." Inanis says, resting his feet up on the dressing table in front of me, as a hairstylist was fixing my hair. We were both getting ready to announce the date of the president's killing. Inanis was already dressed up, his usual embellished attire with not a hair out of place.

I, on the other hand, found myself lacking in every department. My eyes were dark from lack of sleep, and my skin pale from understandable nerves. My ribs poked out through my dress from my inability to eat the last couple of days since the announcement. I looked like a corpse, and I felt like one too.

"Says the man who pokes at his food." I retort, but my heart wasn't really into insulting him right now. My mind was focused on other things.

"I don't poke, I prod."

"You're five years old." I say, hoping it'd offend him only slightly enough for him to get up and leave.

"Five and a half, at least." He replies, and I realize that even calling him childish won't ruin his good mood.

It's not often you get to kill the president.

I have noticed, that though he has kept moving everyday since the announcement, he refuses to leave my side. I've never spent so much time with him in all our marriage as I have the last few days.

It's as if he refuses to leave me, and at this moment, I'm not sure if I'm grateful for him, or resentful at the realization that his constant companionship is something I'm beginning to depend on.

He really did act like a five-year-old, the resemblance between a child and him is an uncanny evaluation, but in all honesty, that was one of the more amusing qualities about him.

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