Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Mirea this is crazy." My father gripped my shoulders tight, shaking me, "You can't possibly think marrying him is better for your future than-"

"My life wouldn't be anything if you weren't in it." I said boldly, not a look of regret was displayed on my face. I didn't regret my decision, but that doesn't mean I'm not terrified of the outcome.

"He's a psychopath!" My father argued gripping me tighter. I winced.   

"I know that!" I shot back, pulling away from him. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"You've lost it."

"I did what I had to."

"The only thing you had to do was sit there and not say a word!"

"And watch you get killed? You know I wasn't going to let that happen."

"And now you've ruined your future. Your life-"

"I'm offended you find me to be such a troublesome future for your daughter." Inanis came out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, staring at my father with a forbidden light in his eyes, "Truly, I wouldn't be that bad of a husband. My romantic side is very lively," A wicked grin broke onto his face, "just ask my cleaver."

My father's jaw tightened, "Get your hands off my daughter."

Inanis pulled me closer to him as a challenge, "Or what?"

I tried to step away from him, but his grip was tense. Unbreakable. I even tried to drop onto the floor, but nothing. He wouldn't let me go.

My father took a step forward, and I knew he was preparing himself for a fight. I quickly spoke, "No." I warn him, "Don't do anything stupid, dad." My father and Inanis locked gazes, silently battling one another with nothing but their eyes.

And then my father backed down, taking two steps backwards, and I exhaled in relief.

Inanis's shoulders slumped, and he sighed, releasing me so suddenly I hadn't expected it, and fell onto the floor. "You two are such a bore." He spun around, beckoning me to follow, "Come, future wife, we will be leaving the stadium together."

I winced at him, "What? We're leaving now? But I haven't even gotten to say goodbye to my father yet!"

He didn't so much as spare me a glance, "Then sweetheart, I suggest you make haste and spit your kisses now, because I'm a busy puppet, and I don't like to be kept limp."

God, if only I could place my foot in that running mouth of his. . .

"Pay him no mind, Mirea." My father said, as he grabbed my hand, and pulled me off the ground. His arms were around me the moment I was on my feet.

I wrapped my own arms around him, "I'll see you soon." I tell him, with a lot more confidence than I felt.

"Of course you will." He responded, "You're my daughter, my fighter." His expression was serious as he looked at me, "Never stop fighting him, do you understand me? Never let him get to you. His words are only words."

I nodded only once, "I won't, I promise."

"Good girl." He hugged me again, and I heard clapping from behind me.

"Girl!" Inanis shouted, "Let's go! By the time you two finish, my joints would be crumbling, and I'd be ready to be placed in a home."

I found myself hating Inanis more for his mouth than the actual fact that he has gallons of blood on his hands. Maybe by the end of this, I'd be the one putting his cleaver to my neck.

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