Chapter Eighteen

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hi is this considered borderline porn

Chapter Eighteen

It was late when Inanis returned home from wherever it was he went.

I had been forced to eat dinner with the Lancasters by myself which was incredibly awkward for both them, and myself.

I'm not very good at keeping conversations interesting.

Though, I didn't mind Inanis being gone, entertaining the Lancasters was way easier than the thought of being alone with him all night.

My bones were heavy with dread.  

"Inanis!" Mrs. Lancaster greeted, as she and her husband were halfway up the stairs towards the guest bedroom when he walked in the front door. "Lovely you finally decided to return to your home after hours of actively avoiding us."

Inanis shot them both a lazy smile, "Yes, well, I wouldn't call your forced visit here as 'lovely'."

"You really have a professional way with words."

"I can't quite say the same about you."

"You know what?" Mrs. Lancaster frowned, "I'd desperately love to see you choke on your arrogance." She leaned forward, "Trust me, child, it's going to happen eventually."

Inanis placed his hand on his heart as if offended, "My fate holds no such thing. You should be ashamed of yourself, spouting out lies in my own home."

"Is it so much a lie when you lie every second of your narcissistic life?"

"I'd be careful, Vivienne." Inanis said in a sing-song tone, "It'd be a shame if you were voted in as my next quarry."

Her eyes narrowed, "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

The mirth ignited in his eyes, "I'd be heartbroken."

They really, really hated each other.

Watching them was actually kind of intimidating.

The heavy tension in the room was suffocating. I stared at both Mrs. Lancaster and Inanis like I was observing two feral cats about to pounce.

Finally, Mr. Lancaster shot me a look, and we both silently agreed that maybe we should intervene between our spouses before things started to get bloody.

With Inanis as an opponent, things would most certainly get bloody.

I patted Inanis on the arm to get his attention, as Mr. Lancaster spoke up, "Honey, maybe we should get to our room now, before the tension between you two burns a whole in the exquisite flooring."

"I agree." I speak up, Inanis turning his head to me as if just realizing I was in the room, "Maybe you two should stay away from each other tonight."

"Gladly." Mrs. Lancaster murmured, as she spun on her four-inch heels, and walked up the stairs with her husband.

When it was just me and Inanis in the entryway, he finally spoke up, "I wonder what it'd feel like to strangle her in her sleep."

"Well, I'd stop wondering, since you'll never be able to do it anyway."

His eyes turned to mine, and a small smile displayed on his lips, "Never is an awful word."

"In this case, it's really the hero."

"I never was a superhero fan."


I wasn't sure how, but I wanted to delay the inevitable. I turned into the living room, where the housemaids had a fire going in the fireplace. I sat on the couch where Leech was curled up asleep and sighed.

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