Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

The room is elaborate, and packed full of all things luxurious. It's a beautiful place, and I would appreciate much more were it not inhabited by vipers in expensive clothing. 

Inanis's arm is still entwined with my own, and I'm grateful for it. Were he to let go I was sure I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Inanis was right about one thing, though I would never admit it. I was entirely under dressed. My simple attire didn't even compare to the gorgeous gowns and suits everyone was wearing. I wasn't too embarrassed, being that I don't care too much for gorgeous outwear, but it did make me feel like I stood out. The last thing I want is to stand out.

People were still arriving to the party, but already them majority of people here were drinking wine, and eating, and enjoying themselves. Many of them looked miserable, as if they didn't want to be here anymore than I did. I felt a connection to those with the bored faces, I felt like we understood one another. It does not matter how rich one is, them most of us can agree, parties like these are terrible.

Inanis whispered in my ear, "Do you see that couple up ahead?" He pointed to a man in a absolutely gorgeous suit, embellished in fine diamonds, and a collar of jewels. It was extravagant, it was expensive, and it was undeniably overdramatic. Beside him was a frowning woman, she wore a lovely dark gown to match his suit, just as he, it was embedded with hundreds of what I had no doubt were all real diamonds. Her hair was pulled up and in it were pearls and small red rubies that popped out in the dark color of her hair.

I nod to my husband, "It's hard not to see them, it's like they want to be seen."

"Oh they do. That is Elias and Scarlett Parity, they own Parity cemetery."

I nearly choked on the air I breathed in. Parity Cemetery was the most luxurious cemetery in the world. It is said to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Solid gold tombstones, diamond encrusted pathways, it was like heaven, but for the bodies, and not the spirits.

"Why are they here?"

"Why wouldn't they be?" Was his only answer, "It is time we say hello. Prepare yourself, he is more arrogant than even I."

I wince, and we walk up to the couple. Scarlett looks at Elias almost immediately and cringes in disgust. I don't blame her. Elias, on the other hand, does not look phased, "Ahh, the Bone Cutter, star of the night."

Inanis casually smiles, "So I've been told."

"I hear you will be visiting my mausoleum again in provision for the demise of the chairman of this fine country." I fixate on the word 'again'.

"You've been to Parity Cemetery before?" I ask my husband who can not respond, as Elias is quicker.

"Several times to be precise. We are well acquainted." He holds out his hand, "You are Mirea, our darling Harvester, it is a pleasure to meet a woman so undeniably divine." I shake his hand, for some reason feeling strange to touch him. He is different than I had expected him to be, but also, exactly as I expected him to be.

His wife clears her throat and Elias speaks up, "Excuse my appalling manners," His arm reaches around his wife's shoulders, "This is my wife, Scarlett, my vital pillar through all of this nonsense." He sways his hand back, and I agree with him. This party is insufferable.

I shake her hand, and she smiles at me. I smile at her and I know both of us are faking it. She does not seem to like me, and I do not think I like her much either. She keeps glancing at Inanis, a cautious look in her eyes. She knows my husband is dangerous, and he must have displayed it personally to the both of them. Whatever it is he did, she has not forgiven him.

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