Chapter Twenty-Four

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There was supposed to be a sex scene in this chapter but I decided to prolong it bc I love conflict and drama


Chapter Twenty-Four   

We spent the rest of the day meeting up with potential victims whose names could be called out during the selection ceremony tomorrow. Inanis mentioned nothing more about visiting his father's grave, and I didn't bring it up. He tried so hard to seem unaffected by it, that I could see right through it.

His father must have meant something to him, and yet he had to kill him anyway.

That would mess anyone up, no matter who they were.

We ended up dining with a few politicians at another fancy restaurant where Inanis refused to eat as he basked in the fear of the people around him.

As dramatic as it all was, -and yes, the mayor of a small town in Mississippi cried and didn't bother to hide the mascara running down her cheeks- I was beginning to get numb to all of it.

All of it.

It seems Mr. Rodney hadn't kept his mouth shut about going to Inanis and begging for his life, so now all the crooked politicians decided it was a grand idea to do the same.

I had to commend Inanis for his patience, but I also had to give credit to these politicians who were brave enough to face Inanis head-on.

"Today was a waste." Inanis exhaled a breath, as we finally arrived home, and walked together into the entryway. As much as I hated this overly-sized home, I had to agree, it felt good to be back.

Today was a major waste.

"Do you really have no idea whose name is going to be called tomorrow?" I asked him, not sure if I actually wanted to know the answer or not.

"I'm the killer, not the chooser. I don't judge who is nastier, I only fix the one who is picked."

I snorted, "And by fix you mean gutting them with your silly little kitchen knife."

He put his hand on his chest with what I believe was genuine shock, I'd actually be amused if we weren't talking about a real weapon. "My darling cleaver is not a mere kitchen knife."

I rose my eyebrows in mock surprise, "Oh right, my bad, it's your stupid little toy."

"You have no culture."

I sighed, too exhausted to play his little games. "You and I share no culture, Inanis."

"You are as American as I, so I object."

"Ever since you came along, America has gone to shit."

He seemed to consider this before replying, "I've only ever killed the bad politicians. The one who hurt this country, so really, your definition of shit, and mine, are two totally different shits."

I stared at him for a long, insufferable moment, before sighing once again. God, I'm exhausted. "Whatever," I tell him, "I'm going to bed."

"And if you go to bed, who will accompany me?"

I didn't bother to look back at him as I began to walk up the stairs, "You're a big boy, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

He grabbed my arm, spinning me to face him, and I was getting very, very tired of him doing that. "But have you forgotten, I am a mere child in this scary world." He leaned forward, "Sleep with me."

I swallowed my insult, "You aren't a child, Inanis, and no, I don't want to sleep with you."

"I don't mean actually sleep with me, I mean sleep with me in our bed in our bedroom." He gave me a wide grin, "I promise I won't touch you unless you touch me first."

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