Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

The car ride back was silent. Inanis seemed to be stuck in his own head the entire journey home. I didn't feel like making more insults for him to spit back better insults too, so I kept silent, and patiently ignored every. single. time. he shifted in his seat.  

I don't know why I agreed to help Felicity and Mr. Rodney. They were awful people, and did awful things, but some part of me felt for them.

No matter what they did, they didn't deserve to die by Inanis's hands.

I had no idea how I was going to convince Inanis to spare him. I knew now wasn't the time, as car rides always made him a lot more irritated than usual.

Later, I'll ask him later.

We finally made it back home, and Inanis once again hopped out of the vehicle the moment it came to a stop. I followed him into the house, but stopped when Leech ran up to me, and pawed at my legs. I picked up the puppy and kissed his forehead as Inanis took off his gloves and shrugged off his coat.

I watched him walk into the living room without a word.

I was tempted to go into the room with him and ask him now to get it over with, but I backed out because, in all honesty, I just dreaded talking to him always.

Instead, I walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom where I will be sleeping and changed my dress to something comfortable for the night. I hopped into the bed as Leech snuggled up next to me. The thought of actually having a bed to myself without having to fold myself up on the edge of the bed in fear of touching him, was wonderful.

I stared at the ceiling and basked in the silence. I attempted to fall asleep, but my mind was racing with thoughts of the dinner. It was an awfully long drive for the both of us to only insult Mr. Rodney and leave.

I considered the purpose of it but decided not to dwell.

Leech had long fallen asleep, as the hours ticked by, and I was still as awake as when I jumped into the bed. It was past midnight at this point. I began counting each second out of sheer boredom.

As much as I hated sleeping with Inanis, I had to admit he certainly didn't make things boring.

I hated myself for thinking that.

I rolled over, once, twice, and finally I kicked my feet up from frustration, making the blankets fall to the floor.

I wondered if Inanis was up.

I wondered if I should just ask him about Mr. Rodney now before the choosing ceremony that was in less than a week.

Even if he wasn't up, it's not like I cared to wake him. It'd be payback for all the times he rudely woke me up.

In fact, I hoped he was asleep.

Before I realized it, I had already gotten out of bed, Leech following me close behind, and was walking down the halls of the mansion. I didn't realize just how creepy the halls were with nothing but faint candlelight to see.

The cold of the marble flooring made me shiver, and I have never hated Inanis's overly-luxurious style more than I do now.

God, he was such a drama queen.

I made it to the door of his bedroom -our bedroom- and halted. Should I even do this? No, this is a good idea, a totally good idea. He deserves it for being such an ass to me all the time.

I knocked on the door, and suddenly my confidence dropped.

This probably wasn't a good idea at all.

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