Chapter Fifty-one

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This book feels like a feverdream lol

no but seriously, i've been writing this book for years, it will feel weird to have it completed soon

i wholeheartedly believe Inanis played a big part in my growth here on wattpad and i feel bad we will be saying goodbye to him soon

oh well, it is time to move on to better things :)

Chapter Fifty-one

I'm awoken by a lack of any sort of disturbance. I look around the hotel room, and realize Inanis is nowhere to be seen.

I sit up, "Inanis?" I call out, knowing he's not here.

I glance over at the clock on the nightstand, it read 4:09 a.m.

Where the hell is he at this hour?

I stand, and quickly put on acceptable clothing to go outside. Leaving, or rather, doing anything work related without bragging about it to me was completely unlike Inanis.  I know how much he enjoys annoying me by waking me up early in the morning.

Something felt off.

The hall of the hotel should have been empty, but there were a few people going into Inanis's mother's room.

"Hey." I call after then, and two men stopped, looking over at me. "My mother in law is staying in that room, is everything alright?"

They both looked uncomfortable, "You're Mirea, the Harvester?"

"Yes," I say slowly, feeling a bite of dread form in my chest. "My mother in law, she's dead isn't she?"

They glanced at one another, and then, one nodded, "Heart attack in her sleep, her nurse called an ambulance in an hour ago."

My heartbeat began to race, this was the last thing Inanis needed right now. "Have you seen my husband?"

By the grimaces on both of their faces, I knew they had. I was unsure of exactly what mood Inanis was in right now, but it had to be catastrophic. Or, worse, he would simply be silent.

One of them finally said, "They took the body to the hospital, he went with them."

"Thank you."

I knew Inanis had drivers all around, so I managed to track one down by one of our guards, and asked them to take me to the hospital. There was no objection, only a nod.

The way to the hospital felt like no time, and yet it felt equally eternal. The moon was still bright in the sky, and I could feel the exhaustion creeping through my bones like a virus. I could only imagine what Inanis was feeling right now.

Today was also the day of the presidential killing, the fact that he hasn't slept at all is concerning; the fact that I have to kill someone in cold blood today is even more concerning.

The hospital was quiet, I walked in and immediately see my husband, he's sitting on top of the front desk, there was nobody sitting behind it.

"Hello wife." His voice is normal, in fact he looks fine.

"Hello husband."

"It took you long enough."

I frown, "Well you could have woke me up."

"It's always so much more fun waiting to see how long it takes you to realize I'm gone." Not true, he loves to wake me up.

"Inanis." I move towards him until we are inches apart. Due to him sitting at the front desk, his head is at level with my own, "I heard about your mother."

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