Chapter Ten

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This is the longest chapter I have ever written in any book of mine. Ever.

Sorry it's probably boring.

Chapter Ten

The ride was awkward. I knew I should get used to sitting next to Inanis for hours in a cramped vehicle, but still, the very thought of it made my skin crawl.  

He. Was. So. Close.

I didn't even have to reach out in order to touch him.

It didn't help that he looked as impatient and uncomfortable as me. His foot rapidly tapped the floor as he stared out the window. He looked lost in thought and I wondered what it is he could possibly be thinking about.

And then his head turned to me, and he caught me staring at him. I quickly looked away, angry at myself for wondering about what he was doing anyway.

I could feel him staring at me, and my rebellious side wanted to stare right back at him. To be the victor of his creepy staring contests.

But I was also a bit of a coward.

"Have you ever dined with the president?" He finally asked.

I snorted, "Do I look like the Queen of England?"

He rose his eyebrows, though he didn't look surprised, "No? One would have thought your father would have been close with the president, seeing as his ways of politics are just as appalling."

"No." I gritted my teeth at him talking about my father like that, "I have never met the president."

He sighed and leaned back in his seat, but only for a moment before he sat up and began fiddling with the car's ceiling light.

Like a kid.

I couldn't believe this was the man who the entire country looked up to and feared.

"Are you five years old?" I asked him, swatting his hand away as he had been reaching over me.

"Do I look five years old?" He had an amused grin, like he knew he was irritating me and it brought him genuine entertainment.

For a short while, anyway.

"You know, now that you mention it, you do have quite the babyface." It was such an obvious lie. There was nothing about him that looked childlike.

But acted, on the other hand...

He sighed, "If only I had a match with me to burn your lying tongue."

"If only I had a match with me, to burn you from my life."

He feigned hurt, placing his gloved hand on his chest, "Ooh, your words are such daggers to my heart."

"Please." I said with a scoff, "You have no heart."

"My chest is a hallow cavern of despair, you are quite correct." He said matter-of-factly, "But that doesn't mean I can't pretend to care, after all, you pretend to be confident."

"I do not."

"I am itching for a match."

I frowned, "I'm not lying!"

He waved his hand, the very gesture he does whenever he gets bored of a conversation and is done with it. I didn't bother to continue, seeing as it would only make me angrier.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Inanis shifted so many times, I actually found it humorous that he was so uncomfortable when it came to sitting still.

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