Break Up

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They seemed to gave lightened themselves seeing me.

"Liz!" Ailxe even ran over and gave me a hug. "I was so worried for you."

I hugged her back. It was really nice to be back with them. Her gaze then went behind me and she quickly stood between me, Colourful and Lyphe.

"What do you think you're doing back?" She immediately demanded.

"Wait," I started.

"Now hold on," Colourful continued, "this is all faux pas." He gestured towards Lyphe, who waved at Alixe. "She did something she didn't mean to and came back to fix everything and apologies."

Alixe cocked her head. "Didn't mean to? How do you not mean to kidnap an entire person?"

"We all make mistakes in the heat of the moment." He lightly bumped her head and said mostly to her, "especially when we're not thinking."

Lyphe rubbed the spot that he bonked. "I'm sorry," she whined.

Alixe rubbed the back of her head but didn't budge. I can tell she still didn't like any of this.

I tried to help, "She's actually why I'm back so soon." Colourful cracked a proud smile. "And he made her," I continued, referring to Colourful. "I swear they don't mean harm."

She finally loosened up. "Okay, but I still don't like this."

Chinny spoke up, "She's only a little kid, A.J. Calm down a bit." That got a glare from Alixe.

"It's nice to have you back, Liz!" Grace then announced. I couldn't help but smile hearing that.

"Are you okay?" Katelyn asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

Colourful spoke up again, "Well, since you're reunited we'll go ahead and be on our way." He started to turn but quickly came back before I could say goodbye. "And don't forget about tonight!" That seemed to have made him remember something. He quickly took a ribbon out of his hair, causing all of it to fall, and tied it around his finger. "Don't forget about tonight," he says again, much quieter this time. The two finally started to walk off.

"See you, Elle," he says before turning fully around.

"Bye Colourful," I say right back.

With him gone, I was immediately met with questions.

"Tonight?" Alixe asks.

"Colourful?" Grace questions.

I'm not sure why, but being questioned about it both, I couldn't help but get embarrassed. I started stumbling over myself when suddenly Chinny interrupts me.

"I don't mean to ruin whatever fun you're having, but we're kind of stuck in a city none of us know about. I don't anything but getting back home should really be on our minds."

I already knew where this was going, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I get that she wants to go home, but Nowhere really can't be left. Not so many people would be depressed about being trapped here if they could. Not so many families would be separated. Maybe this place would actually be happy for everyone else.

Everyone else.

"But I like it here," I said before anyone else could comment.

Alixe immediately looked over at me, and the other three gave me a strange look.

"You like it here?" Grace asks.

"Yeah..." I stuttered.

"I cant really see why, but- Liz," Katelyn started, "You can't exactly just not go home. What about your family? What about school?"

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