Days Three and Four

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Sam wasn't comfortable with me being alone at all anymore. I didn't blame him, though. I don't like the idea of being locked up in a room for more than 25 hours again.

The three of us went to breakfast together, as usual, but today Sam and I retreated back to his room before Big Blue could come by and yell at everyone to get to work.

Since we don't have the key yet, Sam would rather me stay with him in his room- if I had to stay anywhere. Paul volunteered as tribute to attempt to snag whatever key we needed while he's out working. While we were in the room, Sam and I tried planning a backup plan together, with nothing else to do.

Let me just say this- if it wasn't obvious before, we really suck at planning. I couldn't think of anything, and everything Sam thought of, he over analysed and made way to specific.

They were good too, but he refused to use them once he was done tearing it apart himself. Of course, I couldn't figure out a way to suggest them back. He always figured out it was the same plan.

Of course, Big Blue evidentially came by. We stopped talking when the doorknob jiggled. As soon as I saw her open the door, I told her, "I'm not going anywhere."

The queen didn't even bat an eye in my direction. She saw Sam and immediately yelled at him, "What are you doing?! Why aren't you working?!"

"It's my off day-"

"No one had any off days during events!" She went off. There was nothing I could do as she yelled at him, telling him he should be grateful for not firing him and whatnot. She finished off by yelling at him to get back to work and the two both left the room.

A while after it was over, I found myself pushed into the corner of the bed, covering my ears, shaking uncontrollably. I slowly remove my hands to hear nothing but silence.

Is Sam going to come back? Am I now locked in here?

As if on cue, I heard the doorknob turn, only to be stopped by something. Then, a light tapping. I take in a breath to calm myself before pushing myself off the bed and walking to the door. I try opening the door myself, just to find it's locked. How did she even lock a door with no lock?

I hear Sam on the other side of the door. "Did she really lock you in when she kicked me out?"

I tried opening the door again, which answered his question.

"Everything okay? You looked kinda scared when I had to leave."

"Everything's fine," I said after taking another breath. "I just- I guess I can't handle yelling." He said nothing to that. "So, what are you going to do?"

"Well, obviously make sure next time she comes by it's to unlock my stupid room and keep it like that. I won't leave the area unless I have to. I'm not leaving you alone."

I can't help but smile. "Thanks." I slide down against the door.

"We can't plan anymore, obviously," he says. "I don't want Queeny overhearing anything. She'd probably lock you away for the rest of the games if she were."

Instead, we just talked every here and there. He'd sometimes leave but always came back. Until today's Games started. He told me he needed to do something, but he wouldn't be far so he could still see the door.

All I had to do then was either read or talk to Kiapo. I don't think either of us had something to say, so I read until Big Blue came back and unlocked the door, or I think. I never saw, but Sam and Paul were able to walk in eventually.

"I think we have extra help," Sam says with a smile. "I trusted a few close friends to help out and told them everything."

Paul fell onto the couch. "I just hope none of them turns out to be rats."

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