Day One

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When the lights turned on and people started piling in, I ran to the balcony to wait for it to start. When Big Blue came by, she seemed kind of ticked. When she saw me, it turned into annoyance. I quickly looked over her before glancing away. She doesn't seem nearly as overly dressed as she usually does.

"Of course, the last place I check."

"I saw the list," I tell her, refusing to look at her. "I know some people and now I want to watch."

"Am I not glad you finally crawled out of that depressing hole," she says with no emotion. She walks onto the balcony and does her usual thing. While she does so, I look around for my step stool, only to find it isn't here.


My stomach drops. So soon for them to come out? I practically jump onto the wall to see.

"Dearest Heavens, let me get your stool before you break another arm."

Sure enough, it is the Alixe and Chinny I know. Alixe has cut her hair super short since I last saw her and her clothes are worn-looking. However, with her bright hair and slouch, I can still easily tell it's her. Chinny doesn't look any different. It takes a lot to not run down to them.

So they really are here too.

Big Blue dropped the stool below my feet and stands back in place. I didn't even realise she had left.

The two already seem to be arguing. The two they're fighting against is a guy and a girl. The cannon finally sounded. The girl quickly gets into a fighting stance and waits for them to do the first move. The guy teleports behind Chinny and kicks her to the ground.

Alixe kicks back despite the large distance between her and the guy. It was then obvious she instead kicked wind at him when his hair flew back and he lost his footing.

The girl realises all the attention is on her partner and rushes over. With both Alixe and Chinny paying attention to the guy, the girl was able to jump onto Alixe.

To my surprise, Alixe was easily able to throw her to the ground. This grabbed the guy's attention. He tried to rush to his partner's side, but I guess he forgot he was fighting?

Alixe punched him while he was rushing to the girl. While he was stumbling back, Chinny tripped him.

The girl stood back up and went to attack Alixe again. This time, she was expecting her when she attacked. The girl was only able to throw a few punches when the guy teleported besides Alixe and slams into her.

The two step towards Alixe, and Chinny steps towards the girl. Alixe then makes a motion as if to separate the two. They both then fall to the ground, opposite directions of each other, the girl crashing into Chinny and bringing her down with her.

While I couldn't hear anything from Chinny, it was easy to tell she was yelling at Alixe.

"WELL EXCUSE ME!" I could barely hear Alixe yell.

By now the guy was up again and had ran to the girl's side. He pulled her up and didn't pay attention to the fight going on, again.

As Chinny pulled herself back up, Alixe took advantage and kicked the guy back down, then turned to the girl and punched her. The girl didn't move back much. Alixe had to take a step back and hold her fist in her other hand.

The girl's hand then turned into a bear's hand and swiped at Alixe, who barely had enough time to jump out of the way. Chinny hit the girl in the back of the head, and immediately after was tackled to the ground by the guy.

Chinny managed to push him off of her and the two stood up again. While the girl was reacting to being hit in the back of the head, Alixe got in really close to her and started doing fancy, twirly moves, bringing her to the ground.

The guy's attention suddenly went to his partner. Before Chinny could do anything with his third distraction now, he teleported behind Alixe and ran into her, both of them falling over the girl.

Chinny doesn't make any movement towards the mass. Alixe had managed to pin the guy down and started attacking him. Since they're both still on the girl, she can't get up. The guy was able to throw Alixe off of him, who quickly stood back on her feet.

All he was able to do was pick himself off of the girl when Alixe kicked him and he fell flat on his back again. Alixe swiftly jumps over the girl to the guy. He quickly picks himself up, but Alixe kicked him to the ground again.

Chinny finally strolls over to the group. I now notice that the girl refuses to stand up. She's just clutching the arm Alixe wouldn't let go of when doing that fancy throw to the ground.

The guy tries to stand up for a final time. Alixe still doesn't let him and kicks him back to the ground, a lot more gently than she had the other times.

A moment passes before Big Blue speaks up. Not to the crowd, though.

"Of course I wasn't paying attention," she mutters. "Do you know which team that is?"

"30," I answer, glancing over to her. She has a stack of papers in one hand and a marker in the other.

"AND THE WINNER IS TEAM 30!" She announces.

I can't help but smile, seeing this is over and they won. The crowd cheers. They didn't bother staying in the glory and began to leave as soon as Big Blue announced the end of the match.

I hop off my stool and began to leave to the balcony. Big Blue grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Her hands are a lot colder than I last remember.

"Where do you think you're going?" She demands.

I tense up at her question. "I just want to see someone," I honestly answer. I was so caught up in everything, I honestly forgot she doesn't let me go anywhere during the Games.

"Who and where?"

I point down at the field, where Alixe and Chinny no longer stand. "The winning team," I say. "I just- I wanted to say hi and catch up."

She rolls her eyes and pushes me back onto the stool. "No." Is all she said to me before calling back out to everyone else.

I look back down at the field, saddened I can't see my friends. The two who lost are dragging themselves out.


Four more people, none of which I recognise, step onto field. They're all guys. One team, they're both wearing rainbow sweaters and black pants. The other team isn't matching like them. One is wearing all red, and the other, the only thing noteworthy about him is he has a long braid.

When they were signalled to start, the Rainbow twins started moving in synch with each other. I didn't get to see what happened next, because Big Blue grabbed my arm again and dragged me out.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, a bit afraid of the answer.

She doesn't answer me. I try dragging my heels into the ground, but this doesn't even slow her down.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask again, more sternly.

She finally answers me, but not with what I was hoping for. "How about you shut up? I'm not at all in the mood to deal with you."

I bite my tongue, heavily debating if I should annoy her for her the answer or listen and stop her from doing anything bad to me because I annoyed her so much.

Before I could decide, my question was answered when she threw me into the book room and swiftly closed the door. I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. All I did was try and see my friends, and she locked me in the book room because of it?

After a while, I grabbed a book and started reading, seeing I'm going to be here for the rest of the day anyway. All I could do now with the game is listen anyway.

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