Some Sort of Game

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The next thing I knew, I was completely submerged in water. I fell for far longer than I should've to be in a basement.

The water is nipping at my whole body. Everything stings.

I quickly swim to the surface and take a deep breath in. I can't see anything. It's too dark. Despite that, I look around, trying to find a silhouette of anything.

What is down here? Why is all of this under some house? Whose idea was this?

I didn't think it was possible, but the water then got colder. It felt as if it was being frozen all around me.

Suddenly, a light grows behind me. Before I could see what it was, I get pulled out of the water by the back of my shirt. They place me beside them on land I didn't know was here. However, a first step- causing me to slip- quickly revealed that it's, in fact, ice.

I knew it was getting colder.

I was helped back up.

"Are you good now?" She asked. She's very tall and is dressed almost like royalty. She's dressed, head-to-toe, in blue.

"I think?" I stuttered. I grab onto her to not fall again. She gently grabbed my shoulders and began leading me somewhere. I can only assume off the ice.

"What on Earth are you even doing down here?"

"A tree fell?" I vaguely explained. "Where am I?" We stepped off of the ice, but she kept leading me somewhere. I didn't bother questioning it. She never answered my question, so I thanked for saving me from the water.

"It's no problem, Miss. Come, let me bring you inside," she says as if she's not already.

"Thank you," I stutter, "but where am I?"

"You shall see soon enough, Miss."

It was never really answered. She brought me inside of a huge place. It's not a house- I know- but I don't know what it is. She sat me down at a bench and had left to get me something to keep warm.

I'm in a long hallway with green around me. The wall to the hallway has a black thing, stretching with it. I can't see my reflection in it. Next to the bench is a shrub. The hallway curves around something, so I can't see the end.

I have no idea how I got here.

The woman returns with a blanket in hands. She dumps it onto me before sitting next to me. I wrapped myself entirely in the blanket.

"So how exactly did you fall down here?" She asks.

"A tree crashed into the house I was at," I explain further. "Why is this place under there?"

"Perhaps because we're underground," she says. I couldn't help but feel stupid from her saying that. No duh, we're underground!

"May I get your name?" She asks.


"I'm sorry about what happened, Miss Elizabeth. May I get you some tea to help warm you up?"

Miss Elizabeth. I couldn't help but smile from that. "It's okay. I'm good with just a blanket. Thanks though."

"Are you sure? It's no problem."

"Well, if you want-"

She didn't waste a second to stand up and to begin walking off. I waited there for a while. Someone then came the other way, wearing a green shirt. They're messing with the plants as they slowly make their way this way.

Bored, I watch them. He didn't notice me until he reached the shrub next to my bench. When he sees me, he stops doing what he was and stares at me. I stare back.

Location Nowhere Destination Unknown [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now