Surprise Visit

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Except, he would've if Colourful- I think I named him- didn't block the door with his foot.

"Hello!" Chirped Colourful, pushing the door back open.

"What do you want?!" Demanded Metro. I never heard him so angry before. However, Colourful didn't seem bothered by his tone.

He gesutred to himself. "I'm soaking wet." He then threw his arms up in a shrug. "I don't know if you noticed, but it's kinda pouring outside."


"And... I thought you would let me take shelter or something. Is that Jake?"

"Why would you possibly think I would be okay with that? I don't even want you near me- how many times must I tell you?!" He tried pushing the door closed again. Colourful pushed back to keep the door open.

"Just let me dry off and I will be on way, how about that?"

"How about you just leave me alone? Can't you just teleport away?"

"I'll leave you alone if you let me dry off. Swaresies!"

Metro let go of the door, getting it to swing fully open, hit the wall, and for Colourful to stumble in. "FINE!" he yelled. I watched him storm through the bathroom door.

"Someone's frosted," Colourful murmured. I look him over. His long, pulled back hair reaches down to his lower back, most of its been bleached blonde but a lot of what I assume is his natural black hair colour has grown out a good several inches. His clothes are completely drenched and and worn. He has a black and purple striped, long sleeved shirt underneath a white, collered buttonup, stained with random colours. Even his blue jeans are worn, drenched, and stained.

He returns me glance and wears a big smile. "Hello again, Beth." His smiled dropped as he tilted his head. "Are you okay?"

Everything that just went down made me feel worse than I already had. "Um- yeah," I stutter anyway. He gives me a doubting look but didn't say anything. Metro was already back with a towel, which he threw at Colourful.

With them side by side, even for as drastically different they were dressed, looked uncannily similar to each other.

"You will leave as soon as you are dry, okay?" demands Metro.

"Sure, sure." He covers himself with the towel like a blanket. "So, you're still dizzy with a dame?"

"I'm not talking to you." Metro walks back into the kitchen.

"Still salty?" When he didn't get a response, he asked, "Could I get some dog soup?"

"Could you speak in English just for a second?" Metro spat.

"Wa-ter," he slowly said.


He rolled his eyes, then finally closed the door behind him. "You know, I would probably stop harassing you if you would just move out of this wack place." He walked over to the bookshelves and looked at all the books. "I see you're still working on your library."

I peer over at Metro, only to find him continuously giving Colourful a deadly glare.

"So, what's wrong with you?" Colourful asks me. I look back over at him, before looking away.

"Sick," I mumble.

"I'm sorry. For how long now?"

I shrug. "I've been sleeping the whole time."

"You know, I could probably-" he started to suggest.

Metro cut him off, "Don't you dare even go near her."

"I'm just saying I could-"


Colourful loudly sighed as he let down his hair. "You treat your guests so terribly." He put the towel on his head and starts to dry it off. He looks back at me and smiles. "How do you pocket him?" He laughs. "I've been for all my life, so I know how to deal with it. But how do you?"

I didn't want to say anything. From the looks of it, what he puts up with is very different than what I have to put up with.

Colourful draped the blanket around his shoulders again. "Your face can get stuck like that, you know," he told Metro, sticking out his tongue. He then laughed, but adbuptly cut himself off and continued on, "Anyway, seriously. When are you going to move out of this place? It looks like the halls are literally falling apart. It's like you're asking for cold coffee just staying here."

"Are you not dry yet?"

He wiped his face with the towel. "Do I look dry?" He asked, picking at his shirt. "Besides, it's still raining. You want me to just yeet myself into the storm out there?"

"Sure! Whatever that means, do it and leave me alone!"

His smile stretched. "You don't know what yeet means?" He asked. He grabbed a random book from the shelves behind him. "I can show you what a yeet is."

"Don't you-!"

Before he could finish, Colourful already threw the book over his head. "Yeet!" He yelled just as it left his hands.

The book hit the ceiling and bounced towards the floor, only to freeze midway back down. I then watched as the book floated into Metro's hands. He looks a lot more angry than he was earlier.

"Did you just come over to terrorise me?!" He demanded. "I swear that be all you ever do anymore!" He threw the book at Colourful, who caught it. "You terrorise me, you terrorise the city- that's just all you do!"

"I just threw a book, okay? You have thousands more!" Colourful yelled back. However, his face said he did regret throwing it.

"This isn't about my books! You can never take a memo!" They started arguing. I covered my ears to try and block everything out, but it only made everything muffled. To make it worse, there wasn't really anywhere I could hide until they were done. Except under the covers.

I curled into a small ball and threw the blanket completely over me. I plugged my ears and tried to think of a place I could be instead, anywhere but here. But I couldn't think away from the yelling.

"HEY!" Someone suddenly yelled.

After a while of silence, I peeked out from under the covers. Sam was back. He's at the now open door, completely soaked.

I watched Metro march over to Colourful and grabbed him by the arm. "You're leaving," he said, dragging him to the door.

"But I'm not dry," he tried.

"I don't care." He shoved him out the apartment and took the door from Sam. "Leave me alone and stay out of my life already!" He then slammed the door in his face and swiftly locked it.

Despite it all being over, I hid back under the covers.

"Who was that?" Sam asked.

"No one important," muttered Metro.

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