Sleeping Words

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For the longest time, I wondered about Blue.

If I was able to get away so easily, couldn't I have brought him with me and get away fine? No, there's no way. How bad could it have been, though? If I at least helped out?

I sit up, deciding I need to stop thinking about all of this. I slide out of bed and look around the room. In the corner, I finally notice my bookbag.

Was it there all this time? How did I not see it before?

I quickly reunite with my book, so very happy to finally be able to read it again.

Before I pulled it out of my bag, I realised I should probably eat first. With that, I made my way out of the room and wandered around in search of a kitchen.

I think I'm learning the layout pretty well. It didn't at all take as long as usual to find any of the kitchens.

I find a cup and fill it up with water before drinking most of it. I then look around the kitchen for food. There's bread on the counter. Well, time for a recreation of day one.

Only, this time, the bread won't be poorly toasted and, hopefully, no one will almost die. There are five pieces of bread, so I take it all to eat.

I read while eating. When I finish, I decide to transfer to the living room- common room?- to read instead. I leave my empty glass in the sink.

After a long while of wandering around, I find the living room.

The first room I was in and almost held two deaths while I was here. Such memories. I'm sure at this point it's been hours since I woke up.

It's still as empty as I remember, furniture wise. There are three people in here. One is laying on the coffee table in a position that looks very uncomfortable. His feet and head are touching the floor. He looks familiar, but that's it. He's drawing in a sketchbook. I'd like to know how- if even- he's comfortably drawing.

Another person is sitting on the couch, pushed up against the arm with a pair of legs atop of her. I can tell this one is Keira. She's on a pink-cased phone. Finally, the hardest to see, the final guy is lying stretched out on the couch, legs on Keira. He's reading the book I brought over from. . . Lime's place. It's none other than Charcoal.

I go over to the corner opposite to them and sit down. I then pull out my book and continue reading my own book. A while passed. It started to rain.

"Is everyone inside?" Keira asks, hearing the rain. I look over at her.

"Probably," both guys said at the same time.

She goes back to looking at her phone, shrugging. I decided to look around the room again. I then realise that the room has tiny windows high up. I could probably look out them if I stood on my tip toes.

I look back at my book to continue reading- except I was immediately interrupted. I hear a loud thud, causing me to jump. I look up. I see that the book has been thrown. Only Keira seemed to care enough to look up.

"What was that about?" I ask. Keira and Charcoal look over at me, Charcoal having to sit up.

"Don't question his actions," doodle guy says, still drawing.

"How long were you here?" Charcoal asks.

"Long enough," I decide to say.

"Just so you know then," doodle guy says, "I was, in fact, drawing porn."

Keira looks at him. "Why are you drawing porn?"

"Why do you think?"

Charcoal gets up and walks to the book he threw.

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