One Week

15 1 0

A man who I never saw before woke me up a while later. I was in a bed, but- other than that- I have no idea where I am. I couldn't care. I was too tired. He sat me up and did things to my arm. Again, I was too tired to care about what exactly he was doing.

He was talking, but I didn't hear anything. It was hard enough to stay awake.

"Okay?" He suddenly said.

"Okay," I mumbled. With that, he was done. I fell back into bed and immediately fell asleep. When I finally woke myself up, I found myself feeling better than ever.

That was the best sleep I ever had.

I sat up and looked around, finally realising I'm back in Sam's room. I then look at my arm. I can't really feel anything. My forearm covered in bandages and is in a sling. Under the bandages there's a glove, stretching from my fingers to a little past my elbow.

No one else is in the room. I lied back down and stared at the ceiling.

I'm pretty sure I broke my arm. Shouldn't I be in a cast or something instead? Who was that guy who woke me up anyway? A doctor maybe? Well, why else would he be messing with my arm?

He's a terrible doctor.

I was then knocked out of my thoughts by muffled yelling. I can't understand anything being said. I didn't sit up until I noticed that the yelling was getting closer, and by the time it was outside the room, I had already pushed myself against the wall.

The door then flew open, and there was Paul yelling at Sam.

"-excuse me for being a good friend! Well, excuse me for caring about you-!"

Sam turned around and interrupted him, "I get it! But I don't need you to care about me! This isn't a big deal!"

"Starving is not a big deal?!"

"I'm not starving!"

"Yes, you are! It-" Sam then slammed the door in his face, getting Paul to scream his name. "We're not done! Open this door!"

"Well, I'm done! Leave me alone!"

"This isn't over!"

They didn't say anything more to each other after that. Sam walked to the couch. "Can you throw me a pillow?" He then asked.

I had to push myself out of the corner I made my home just to grab one. The pillow barely landed on the couch. I tensed up with how bad I missed. Sam, however, didn't seem to care. He fell onto the couch, face first into the pillow I threw.

Then, he screamed into the pillow.

I watched him for a while, afraid for what might happen next. When nothing happened, I let out a breath. I don't know why I expected him to yell at me.

Nothing happens for a long time. I don't like this. Should I say something? Why won't he say anything? Is he going to do anything?

I look around the room for something to distract me, only to mess with the blanket.

"You never got to finish your story," he then said. I watched him take off his glasses and throw them towards the table. They bounced off and hit the floor. He then looked at me. "Do you think you could finish it?"

I took a moment, finding the timing for this a little weird. "Sure,"  I eventually said.

"You were past the part about the crazy guy outside Nowhere," he reminded.

It took a while, but I told him everything- from the first kidnapping, all my close death experiences, to when I finally fell down here. Except I left out everything to do with Demon. I don't want him to think I'm crazy.

Location Nowhere Destination Unknown [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now