Some Colour

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"Where were you with your friends last? Could find them a lot easier if we start where you were," Colourful asked.

I didn't even have to look around to know that, "I don't know." I sheepishly look around the area. "Even if I knew this town, everything looks too much the same to tell."

He scoffed. "Innit?! Everythings so bland, as if everyone's scared to be a little fruity." He threw his hands in the air. "But why not add some colour or different styles of buildings? Or even nature?!" He then looked over at me. "I've actually been going around with spray paint recently to try and change things up a bit. Everyone so afraid of art but they clearly don't know how much they need it in their life."

I waited a moment to see if he was done rambling. "Is-"

He cut me off and turn to Lyphe. "Do you remember where you found Elle?"

"No," she murmured on, looking away from him.

"Yes, you do! You're very easy to look through."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are! Now bring me to where you found her."

She pouted, then grabbed his hand. "Fine," she wined. She then started dragging him, almost the opposite direction we were heading. He then looked at me. "What were you saying?"

I paused for a second, processing what he said. "What?"

He quickly repeated, "I'm going around spray painting cuz everyone's afraid of art. What were you saying?"

"Oh." While I didn't remember, I did have something else on my mind. "You've been spray painting?"

He nodded, seemingly proud of himself. "All around town on a bunch of buildings. People hate me for it but I love seeing art in town for once."

I stared at him in awe. "I've been wanting colour in town," I admit. "Grey's a terrible colour to see everywhere."

He nodded in agreement. "Wouldn't be surprised if everyone's depressed 'cause of the lack of colour." He then perked up. "That's what I'll do tonight! It's been awhile since we did some graffiti, hasn't it Lyphe?"

She only hummed in reply.

He then started muttering on to himself about where to spraypaint.

"Why 'Life'?" I then ask. Both Colourful and Lyphe turned to look at me. I quickly stumbled over myself, realizing how rude that could've sounded. "Wait- no, sorry. I mean, it's an interesting name. How'd you come up with it?"

Lyphe gave me a strange look before focusing on her route again.

"Oh, I didn't," Colourful answered. "I found the poor kiddo 86'ed behind my place a few years back. If I had any say in her name, I wouldn't have spelt it like some white fribble who thinks they're creative."


Lyphe answered, in a very bitter tone, "Abandoned."

"Oh," I murmured. I feel horrible for bringing it up now. If I knew that, I wouldn't have asked.

"Bit ironic, isn't it?" Colourful asked with a laugh, completely ignoring the atmosphere. He then ruffled her hair. "It's all good though, you're much better off with me anyway."

Desperate to get off the topic, I quickly ask Colourful, "What's your name?"

Surprisingly, he paused to think. I couldn't decide on what made his pause weirder, the fact he never seems to stop to think, or that he has to think about what his name is.

"No one's really asked me that," he admits, getting me to raise an eyebrow at him. "And the only people who ever talked to me is Lyphe and Bubba. What did you call me back at the house?"

"Do you not remember your name?" I ask, mostly to avoid the embarrassment of having to tell him my silly nickname again.

"Bubba and I didn't get one, and I never had to really name myself up until now." He laughed. "Strange how long that took, innit?" He shook his head and continued, "All I've been called was Brudder and Daddy, doubt you wanna call me either."

I took a second. "I called you Colourful."

He repeated the name to himself with a smile. "I suppose I am a bit fruity. You can keep calling me that if you really need a name."

I couldn't help but smile to myself seeing that he likes it. Never really expected anyone to want me to use my weird nicknames on them.

He then suddenly points far down the road. I quickly perk up, thinking he sees my friends. But instead, he exclaims, "That would be a perfect spot to tag next!"

When did we get back to this topic?

"I already have the perfect idea of what can go there!" He then gasped and quickly looked at me. "Do you want to join us?"

"Huh?" I ask, taken back from the sudden proposal.

"Come spray paint with us? It'd be a lot of fun."

"It really does sound fun," I say with a bittersweet smile, this town could really use some change, "but I need to find my friends first, and I can't do anything before that."

"Oh, yes of course. This shouldn't be until past midnight anyway, and no way we won't find them before that."

My smile turned wider. Adding colour to this place sounds genuinely fun. Maybe when I find everyone I could offer and we all have fun together. To actually hang out again and do something.

"Then sure!"

Lyphe finally spoke again, in a very quiet tone. I almost missed it. "'round here." She then pulled Colourful around a corner, me trailing behind. However, they both stopped once around the corner.

"Oh, hello," Colourful chirped. 

I had to look around him to see why they had both stopped. To my surprise, all four of my friends were there, waiting for me. I brightened as soon as I saw them, and ran around Colourful to great them. 

I didn't know what was better, how perfect the timing was or how they're still in the same place they first lost me in.

Honestly, I didn't have much faith they would've stayed. I'm really glad they proved me wrong.

I ran over to them and greeted them. "Guys!"

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