New Place

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The group brought me to another house, which looked the same as everything else in this colourless town it seems.

When I was finally brought inside and put down, I was soaking and freezing. I watched one of the girls, the chubbier of the three, wipe the water off of her, drying almost instantly. I couldn't help but glare at her as I wrap my arms around myself, trying to stay warm.

"Neve, get a blanket," my carrier demands.

"Vy me?" Man-woman cries.

"Just do it!"

"Et's alvways me!"

Everyone grows visibly annoyed. The chubby girl pushes man-woman out of the room before leaving herself.

I glance over the two remaining. The guy has short, brown curls, is dressed head to toe in blue, and is very thin. The girl has purple hair that I don't at all like and darker skin. She's also dressed completely in blue.

What? So am I just here?

The guy bends down to my level, getting a glare out of me. "You're staying here, okay?"

I look away. "Whatever," I mutter.

"No whatever. You're staying here."

But I don't want to be. "I know," I instead say. "I don't care."

"You're not going to leave," he says for the third time.

Do I even have a choice? "I get it," I instead exclaim.

Man-woman returns with a blanket. As soon as I realise she's giving it to me, I take it and wrap it around me. It's dryer warm. I let out a short hum as thanks as I let the warms embrace me.

I slowly lied onto the floor and cocoon myself in the blanket. Suddenly I was no longer so angry at the situation anymore. Nothing mattered but this wonderful warmth.

"Vell, vhat now?" Man-woman asks.

"Tell Oliver, I guess," the guy answers. "We have to tell him anyway."

Nothing is said for a moment. "But vhat if he's sulking shtill?"

"So what? It's not like you're going to tell him anyway. I don't want him to be mad figuring out himself."

"Figure what out?" A new voice asks. It's another guy, one with a British accent this time.

Reminded me of Blue.

"Oliver, we were just about to get you. Sort of."

"We're not doing this. Just tell me," Oliver says with a sad annoyance in his voice.

Man-woman answers instead. "Ve gots ze power-" he was suddenly cut off when it sounded as of the guy hit her.

"She obviously doesn't know. We can't just say it, stupid!"

"Who are you talking about?" Oliver asks.

"I don't know what to call her."

I decide to speak up to try and help with their confusion. "The others called me P.S."

"We're not stupid Fires," the guy says.

"Who's this?"

"Stop calling zings shtupid," Man-woman demands.

"Hey," Oliver says, sounding much closer. "Stop it. Who's this?"

"The one with power?" The guy guesses.

So, from here on out I guess I'm now the One With Power- or O.W.P. I guess. So, P has to stand for Power, which tells me nothing. Who knows what the S means. Power Sucks maybe? Power Sun?

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