Am I Kidnapped?

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I spent all day trying to leave, but I'm still here. This town is either really big or I'm somehow going in circles, which is weird since I was only going straight. However, I could be going in circles without realising. Everything here looks the same.

When night came, I couldn't help but become very scared. Who wouldn't? I'm far away from home in an unfamiliar town, and it's night. Despite this, I force myself to stop for the night and rest under a street lamp.

I pull my knees to my chest. I hope nothing bad happens to me. I don't know what I'll do if something does. I don't know where anything is here either. I don't even know where I am!

I shake my head and pull out my book. Hopefully, reading will shut my mind up.

Only, I didn't get too far when someone snuck up behind me.

"What are you reading?" A soft voice asks.

Startled, I quickly turn around and scoot away from them. It's just a girl, probably my age. She's kneeling where what would've been behind me. Her long hair kind of reminds me of snow. It gives me a feeling of nostalgia.

We stare at each other for a moment before I finally glance away and pick my book back up.

"Sorry for scaring you," she says, sitting on her knees.

"Uh..." I feel like I should say something. "Th-thanks," I mumble. Thanks? Why did I say thanks?

She gives me an odd look. "What are you reading?"

I stare at the book for a moment before closing it. I look at her before back at the book and shrug. "Doesn't say, really."

"You're shy, aren't you?"

"Um..." What am I supposed to say to that?

"It's okay. Anyway, can I see the book?"

I give her an odd look.

"Don't give it to her," someone else demands. I look around for him. It sounds like that one guy who wouldn't leave me alone earlier. The one who kept calling me an idiot.

"Why?" I ask both of them.

Only the girl answer. "I'm just. . . curious. Can I see it?"

"Can't you see it from here?" I ask, not realizing how rude that sounds.

She glares at me. "You know what I mean, don't you? Can I examine it? Hold it, skim through it, that sort of thing."

The voice answers as I shake my head. "No, don't let her have it," he whispers.

She's getting visibly angry. She stands on her feet. "Come on, just let me see it." She walks towards me.

I quickly stand up. "Wh- why do you want it?" I hug it to my chest.

She goes to grab it. I step away.

"It's not a big deal!" She yells.

"You're making it a big deal!" I yell back.

The voice whispers to me again. "Idiot, run."

She lunges for the book. I barely manage to keep her off before running down the sidewalk.

The street lamp ahead of me turned off suddenly. It wasn't until the voice yelled at me to look out I realised it was falling. I managed to stop just in time to not get crushed by the lamp.

"Give me that book!" The girl yells behind me.

I didn't have to look to know she was running after me. I run down the alleyway I'm next to instead of jumping over the lamp.

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