A New Plan

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When the door opened, I was disappointed to instead see Big Blue was there. I didn't know it was time for her to bother me yet.

"Elizabeth, come with me," she says.

"Why?" I ask.

She crosses her arms and glares at me. "Let's not make habit of this. Just follow me."

I place the book down on the couch and anxiously stand up. I follow her out the door and look up and down the hallway, trying to see if Sam or Paul happens to be around.

"Remember what I said yesterday?" Big Blue asks.

"I'm not allowed to leave?" I softly ask.

"To make sure that stays in place, I have to keep you around me during the only time you can leave."

"When's that?"

She didn't answer me. She didn't have to. I was led to the balcony where I saw the bleachers full of people.

During the Games. When the three of us planned to get me out of here.

Nothing changed from the beginning of the last set I watched. She yelled into the crowd, the crowd screamed back, people came on field, and a cannon sounded, telling them to fight.

Big Blue gestured to a green stepping stool on the ground. "I got that for you because you're so short. Use it. I don't need you breaking another arm." The whole nice facade she had on seemed completely gone in that moment.

I look at the ground for a moment before sitting on the stool.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't want to watch," I say just loud enough to hear over the crowd.

"Then I suppose you should have brought one of those stupid books."

I began to tap my fingers onto my hand. She's making me really uncomfortable.

"Why do you still wear that glove? Your arm isn't broken anymore."

"I- I like it?" I lie.

"No, really."

"That's- that's it- that's why."

She glares at me before looking back at the fight. "I can tell you're lying."

I can feel panic swell up in my throat. Luckily, she says nothing to me after that. I just sat on the stool and stared at the ground, wishing I at least had a jacket from how cold it was. The crowd was who I relied on to know what was happening.

Screaming and cheering, someone got hurt. Booing, they're not doing anything.

The end of today's Games, I didn't expect it to be so long. She announced the winner and told a long list of announcements, I'm sure. She then left the balcony without a word.

I looked back into the audience to see them slowly leaving out of one exit. I assume I could leave now. I should really go find Sam and tell him what happened.

I stand up and begin to walk around the ring. It luckily didn't take long for me to run into him.

"Where did you go?" He immediately asks. He then grabs my wrist and pulls me along somewhere. "We still have time."

I quickly look around to see if Big Blue is around. "Sam, she's serious. She dragged me out of the room to keep an eye on me."

He gives me a worried glance and drops my wrist. "Maybe it was only for today?"

"I don't think it's only going to be today with how she told me that."

He suddenly stops walking. I run into him. He quickly turns around and forces me to walk the other way with me. I was able to see Big Blue next to where I know the stairs are as people are walking in and mostly out of the area.

Location Nowhere Destination Unknown [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now