Needed Healer

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I watch Keira pace around the front room. She's kind of distracting. She's been doing this since the rain started. Ponytail then walks in.

Keira notices and immediately asks him, "Do you know if Avyanna came back yet?"

He pauses for a moment in the doorway. "I don't think? Why?"

She heavily gestures towards the walls as if 'why' isn't obvious. Ponytail looks around at the floor, confused.

"It's raining!" Kiera yells. "It's raining and Avyanna hasn't come back yet!" She looks towards the door, worriedly. "What if he's stuck out there? What if he's stuck in the rain?"

"Oh." He glances towards the ground. "Maybe he got shelter?"

"But what if he didn't?"

"You don't give him enough credit where it's due. He's the leader for a reason, you know."

She mimics him. "Just because he's the leader doesn't mean he can't get hurt or- or die! Even if it is only because of rain."

Ponytail walks to the couch and sits down. "Calm down-"

"I am calm! You're the one who isn't calm! I'm going to go out to find him." On that, she turns towards the door and swings it open. She then looks horrified. "Oliver?" She demands, running out.

"Oliver?" Ponytail demands, sounding immediately enraged. He stands up and walks towards the door.

"What happened to Avyanna?" I hear Kiera faintly ask.

"Why is he here? What did he do to Avyanna?" Ponytail demands. He doesn't dare step outside.

"You shut the hell up and help me with Avy!"

Keira comes in with Avyanna leaning on her shoulders. I can't see much at all but his skin looks blue. Ponytail goes to help but looks back out the door.

"You better run!"


Charcoal walks in as Pony-tail finally helps Keira put Avyanna on the couch.

"What's going on?" Charcoal asks, entering the room as Ponytail leaves.

Keira starts wailing. "Avyanna got caught in the rain!" She hugs Avyanna, who seems barely responsive. He's bleeding from the head and several places in the arm. He lost all of his bandages and eyepatch and looks frostbitten at his hands.

Charcoal nonchalantly walks over and looks at him. "Why don't you get a bloody healer then?"

"I don't want to leave him!" She cries.

"You're the only one here who can go out into the rain!" Charcoal yells. What are they? Fire? Why can't they go out into the rain?

Keira starts babbling incoherently. Ponytail runs back in with a bunch of towels and throws them onto Avyanna. He and Keira start patting him with the towels. Avyanna doesn't seem to like it but still barely reacts.

"Why aren't you helping?" Keira cries.

"How would I help?! Run out into the rain like some sort of idiot? We don't have any umbrellas or anything and he needs a healer, not towels." He did not at all say it that nicely.

I stand up and walk over to them. "Could I help somehow?" I bring myself to ask.

Charcoal and Ponytail look to me.

"No," Charcoal says.

"Yes," Ponytail says.

They glare at each other. Ponytail looks away in defeat.

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