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I was brought into an unknown place, my mind still spinning, worse than before. It was hard focusing on the ground, much more anywhere else. I was dropped onto the ground. I stayed there. I couldn't even hold my eyes open. All the terrible feelings refused to leave.

The girl excitedly called out, "Daddy guess what I got!"

The last thing I heard before passing out was footsteps followed by a, "What the-? Is that a girl?!"

"It's not just that!" She whined. By then, all the words faded along with the world. As soon as I realized, I quickly opened my eyes and sat up.

I'm in a bed now. In a brick room I don't recognize. I lied back down and caught my breath, once again nauseous from moving too fast. As soon as I could, I pushed myself up and stepped out of the room.

The house layout was strange. Across from me is a room, with "Lyphe" spray-painted on the door in pink. Immediately at the end of the very short hallway is a giant brick room. Next to the closest wall an open kitchen, chairs at the corner. And the rest of the room looks like an art studio. Buckets of paints, cans of spray paint, papers littering the floor, and canvases everywhere. Mostly finished pieces but a lot of unfinished too. It looked like someone turned a wear house into a home. But I was in awe of all the beautiful art.

My eyes then caught someone hiding among the paintings, behind an art easel.

"Hello?" I called, walking towards them.

They quickly straightened and locked their eyes on me. "Oh! Marrow," he said standing up. "You're finally awake."

He looked oddly familiar, and it took a good while to realize who he is. "Colourful?" I asked. As if he knew his nickname.

He took a quick glance at himself and smirked. "I suppose I am a bit fruity." He laughed. Now that I'm seeing him dry, I can tell just how curly his hair is. It's almost like a bush all tied back. "Did you sleep well, Beth? Life didn't shake a flanin did she?"

I paused. "What?"

"She just came back with you as if you were half-rat so I aught to make sure she didn't cause no lotus."

Again, I paused. "What?"

"For sware, are you well? My daughter didn't hurt you, right? I don't need a lawsuit on my hands."

I took a quick glance down me. "I mean, just a bit sick. But I've been so-"

"Just as long as you aren't hurt, Beth."

I paused. "Beth?" I ask.

"Well, it's your name, innit? Elizabeth."

"And how do you know that?"

"Same as my brother, duh." He showed me a playful smile. "I thought you'd be a bit used to that by now, Beth."

The more he went on, the more confused I got. "Your brother?"

"Don't tell me you don't know! The resemblance is uncanny between us. Though it do make sense for twins."

That's when something finally clicked. "Wait, you're talking about Metro." The second the words left my mouth I inwardly cringed. Twice now I accidentally used my silly nicknames out loud.

"Metro?" He immediately asked. "Don't know any fellow by that name. I'm talking about Bubba, though I doubt he ever introduces himself by that." He snickers.

"I don't know that name."

He shrugs. "Just what I always called my brother. Again, doubt he calls himself that."

Location Nowhere Destination Unknown [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now