Chapter 35

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                A month had passed since we all went to the beach. I was now eight months pregnant. Brian spent a lot of his time doing everything he could to satisfy the pains I was having in my feet, back, stomach, everywhere.

                “Brian please sit down you don’t have to do all of this,” I begged him. Brian had made a huge bowl of popcorn and poured himself and me two glasses of coke. He had a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised as he sat down next to me with the glasses in his hand, “don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.” I grinned back at him grateful for everything he’s done, “I do enjoy it but you’ve done so much for me, I really don’t need anything right now, and I could’ve gotten all of this stuff.”

                “You just rest,” he said rubbing his thumb on my hand. Brian then grabbed the salt shaker off of the coffee table and sprinkled some on the buttered popcorn. Tonight we were taking a night for ourselves, we were having a movie night. I let Brian choose the movie since he has done so much for me, he chose 1989 Batman. Luckily Batman was my favorite superhero so I wanted to watch this movie.

                Brian grabbed a blanket and sat down on the couch next to me. He wrapped the blanket around himself and me then grabbed the bowl of popcorn and pressed play. I scooted in close to him and leaned against him as the movie began to play.

                Thirty minutes into the movie there was a knock at the door, then another, then another. Over and over again the knocks were repeated. “Are you fucking kidding me? The one night we have to ourselves, it gets interrupted,” Brian complained. I smiled at his childish behavior and started to get up. “No I’ll get it,” he said calmly.

                I looked down at my phone and listened to the clicking of the locks as Brian unlocked the front door. “Jimmy?” Brian asked out of shock. I turned just in time to see Jimmy stumble into our apartment, a large almost empty clear bottle of vodka was in his hand.

                “Hey you guys,” Jimmy trudged into the living room tripping over air.

                “What are you doing here Jimmy?” I asked almost laughing.

                “I wanted to come see my two favorite people in the world,” he said flopping down on the loveseat.

                I heard Brian sigh, “Blake can I talk to you for a second?” I struggled getting up from the couch but I wouldn’t let Brian help me. After I got up I walked into the kitchen with him. “He cannot be here right now,” Brian said.

                This was weird, Brian never acted this way towards Jimmy, “what? He’s your best friend you two are basically brothers.”

                “You haven’t seen Jimmy like this, usually he’s cool to be around when he’s drunk but not when he’s completely wasted. He gets emotional and he needs attention,” Brian looked back at Jimmy who smiled and waved at him.

                He wore his glasses on his face with a white sailor hat on his head.

                “Well if he needs attention Brian then he should probably stay here instead of going somewhere else. Better here with us than at another party where who knows what could happen,” I countered.        

                “No, Blake tonight is our movie night, its 1989 Batman for Christ’s sake!” Brian motioned towards the TV.

                I looked back at Jimmy who was observing his bending fingers. “Brian look at him. He needs to stay here, once we get him to bed we can finish the movie.”

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