Chapter 36

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                “So are you two ever planning on getting married?” Johnny asked. I nearly spit out my tea along with Brian who choked on his beer. I felt all eyes on us.

                All of us were eating at a restaurant so the guys could talk about touring, their new album, and other things.

                “What?” I asked Johnny.

                “You heard me, are you and Brian ever gonna exchange rings and announce your everlasting love for one another?” Johnny asked again.

                Matt and Paige exchanged awkward glances. Jimmy was grinning from ear to ear, Zack was pretending like he was texting someone and Tori was staring holes into Johnny’s head.

                “We’ve been dating for around four months now man, calm down,” Brian glared at the bassist.

                “Hey it was just a question,” he shrugged.

                “So how many more weeks till you’re due?” Matt asked quickly changing the subject.

                “It should be two more weeks,” I smiled at Matt, “we actually have to go to an appointment right after lunch.” Matt nodded approvingly, “well that’s exciting.”

                Brian looked at me and smiled warmly.

                Brian had been so good to me the past couple of months. He had a complete attitude change and I never bothered to ask why, but I couldn’t ask now, I didn’t want to risk ruining it. He was all I needed right now to help me through this pregnancy and I couldn’t risk ruining it. But I loved Brian and he loved me, he should have an answer, right?

|Sorry it's such a short chapter but, here you guys go!

Thanks for reading, sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. That is a picture of Johnny (one of my favorite pictures of him), and I'm not going to put a song with this chapter just because it's so short!

Thanks again for reading please comment and vote!|

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