Chapter 11

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 ~Blake’s POV~

                Two weeks had passed, Paige would come by every other day and talk to me about Brian and our whole situation. Matt would come too sometimes to give advice on how to handle Brian when he yelled at me or something like that.

                “Blake, I promise, Brian really does like you a lot. You just have to be patient with him, he’s gone through some tough stuff and the reason he’s acting like this is because he’s having trust issues. Just work with him, he’s having a hard time letting a girl into his life right now,” Matt assured me.

                We sat at my small kitchen table, Paige and Matt sitting extra close to each other on the side opposite from me. We were eating spaghetti and talking about my situation.

                “We’ve been going over to Brian’s apartment too and talking to him, we just want to make sure that this abortion is really what you two want,” Paige said.

                I nodded, “I do want it.”

“Have you had any second thoughts?” Paige asked.

                “No,” I said a little too quickly.

“Blake, any second thoughts,” Matt asked.

                I swallowed my food and felt a lump in my throat while tears made their way to my eyes. I had, had second thoughts. I had been having a lot lately.

                Paige immediately moved to my side of the table and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s okay Blake, it’s okay to hesitate. We’ll help you figure this out,” she tried calming me before I started to cry but it only made it worse. I felt tears start to trickle down my face and I grew angry.

                I grew angry at myself crying in front of Matt and Paige. I grew angry at the baby that was inside of me causing me to be bipolar. I grew angry that Matt and Paige had such a nice relationship while I was stuck being alone with a jerk who was too scared to let me into his life so he decided to push me away instead. I was angry at Brian. I was angry he took my innocence and gave me this child to deal with. I was angry he decided without a second thought to get an abortion. I was angry he didn’t try to have a relationship with the mother of his child.

                “I’m sorry you guys,” I finally managed to say once I stopped sobbing, “I’m sorry y’all had to see that.”

                “You had every right to cry Blake, don’t apologize,” Matt said rubbing my shoulder.

                We moved to the couch for more comfort and more room after we finished eating. Paige and Matt sat on either side of me.

                “How are you two so perfect for each other?” I asked.

Matt chuckled, “honestly, it seemed too good to be true at first, we never fought or anything. We finally had our first huge fight not too long ago and after we recovered from it, we realized that we had made it through without killing each other. It was then that we both knew.”

                Matt kissed Paige’s hand once he finished. Her face immediately turned red as she giggled.

                “You and Brian are making it through this, most girls usually don’t last as long as you have, I’m surprised you have,” Paige admitted, “the last girl that put up with him like you do left him broken into pieces after she-“ Matt lightly kicked Paige’s foot and shook his head. Paige received Matt’s message and corrected herself, “she left Brian torn to pieces after she finally gained his hard earned trust.”

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