Chapter 26

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                “Get ready Rev Juniors!” Jimmy shouted as he tossed the ball into the air and sent it flying over the net on the other side. Brian’s team countered the ball with Paige hitting it over to our side. Zacky jumped into the air sending it flying back into the sand on the other side. One point for us.

                “Right on Vengeance!” The Rev shouted. “Nice man,” Johnny cheered. I high fived him as we got back into position.

                After a couple more successful hits Johnny hit the ball out of bounds, it was Brian’s turn to serve.

                He grabbed the ball and stared at me, “this one’s for you Blake.”

                He tossed the white ball into the air and smacked it over the net. The ball was flying really fast and hard, he knew how to serve. Keeping my eye on the ball I ran under it and pushed it straight up into the air. As if he read my mind Jimmy ran up behind me and spiked the ball onto the other side but Matt was too quick. He countered Jimmy’s move and sent the ball flying back over.

                The game was a long and challenging one. At one point Jimmy knocked down Johnny into the sand just to get to the ball. With many scores from both sides we were finally at game point. Jimmy’s team at 24 and Brian’s at 22. We needed one point to win. It was my turn to serve.

                Johnny tossed the ball to me. I caught it and prepared myself to serve. I had yet to prove myself to Brian.

                I turned the ball a few times in my hands then took a deep breath. “Come on Blake one more point,” Zack cheered me on.

                “Don’t mess up pregnant lady,” Brian yelled from the other side. What was his deal making jokes about me being pregnant? Couldn’t he say something else? He was making me angry.

                I tossed the ball in the air and smacked it. The ball went sailing over the net straight to Brian. Brian easily popped it back into the air onto my side. Jimmy smoothly hit it back over with a shout. Tori who had managed to get comfortable with everyone during the game ran and hit it back to us. Johnny then hit it back over where it was hit back by Matt and Paige at the same time.

                I had my eye on the ball. It would land right between Zack and me. He was going for the ball, but so was I. I wanted to prove myself to Brian and beat him, now was my chance. Using all of my force I ran to the ball and ran smack into Zacky knocking him to the ground. I successfully jumped and spiked the ball right onto Brian.

                After recovering from the ball landing on him he looked at me surprised. I only smirked at him then went to Zack and helped him off of the ground. “Sorry about that, my high school volleyball instincts came back to me,” I apologized with a playful yet gentle grin.

                “No worries that was awesome Blake!” Zack high fived me before dusting the sand off of himself. Jimmy ran up to me and picked me up and twirled me in the air, “that was awesome Blake! You know how to play!” I laughed and enjoyed the praise I was getting. It felt good to beat Brian at something.

                After he set me down Johnny high fived me along with Matt, Paige, and Tori. “Sore loser much?” I asked Brian. The others had already started back for the resting grounds but Brian remained in the same spot. “I just can’t believe how great you looked back there,” he blurted.

                I stared at him shocked, that was the last thing I was expecting to come out of his mouth. “Thanks?” I said unsure of how to respond, “you wanna walk back now?”

                Brian nodded and walked towards me. I started to turn towards the group but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I turned to face him and was immediately engulfed with a long kiss.

                “What was that for?” I asked out of breath.

                “I just can’t believe I spent those last few weeks fighting with you about everything I could when I could’ve been doing stuff like this,” he said with a genuine look in his deep brown eyes.

                Not knowing what else to do I smiled at him and said, “why don’t we go back with them and watch this engagement happen.”

|I hope y'all are really starting to like Brian :) He's finally being nice yay! But does that mean it's permanent?

The picture is of the guys when they were younger because they're too cute! The song I chose, I felt was appropriate for this part, "This Means War" by Avenged Sevenfold.

Thank you for reading, y'all inspire me to continue writing this story. I'm really liking it and I hope you all are too!|

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