Chapter 41

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                A few minutes later James passed away in Brian’s arms. After seeing Brian break down when he passed I knew his mind had been changed about not wanting James. A person so tiny had changed his world.

                It had been two months now. Brian and I were back to our normal lives. I was able to do many things again and Brian was able to sleep comfortably again without worrying about the life ahead of him except for the few nights every month he’d have nightmares about James.

As it turns out after having James, I can’t have any more children. Dr. Smith informed Brian and me of this a few days after James’ small funeral which caused for more crying. It turns out that James happening was a one in a million chance because of a genetic issue than ran in my family. Brian and I somehow managed to catch it that night and one event after the other fell into place. It was like all of this was meant to happen. Brian explained he wanted to be with me no matter what. He didn’t care if I couldn’t have children, he just wanted to be with me. I was lucky to have him.

A few days after James had passed Brian and I were getting ready for bed. I took off my makeup in the bathroom and walked back into my room. “Hey have you-“ I started to say to Brian but was cut off by his actions.

                He was standing next to his nightstand where Jimmy had left his white sailor hat the night he showed up at our apartment drunk. Brian picked it up and lightly ran a finger along the edges. He smiled down at it and said quietly, “we would’ve made good parents.”

                I smiled lightly at him and walked over to him. “After dealing with Jimmy like that, we would’ve been perfect parents,” I agreed while coming up behind Brian and resting my head on his shoulder and rubbing his arms.


                “Are you ready to go?” Brian asked. He was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath and a black bowtie. His jet black hair was styled in its normal spiked way but this time he had no piercings in or makeup on. “Yeah,” I smiled at him and got up from the couch. I wore a thigh-length sleeveless pink dress that fit my once again slim figure. I lost all of my stretch marks and worked out a lot to get rid of my pregnant body. It felt good to be skinny once again. Brian helped balance me as I slipped into my beige heels. My blonde hair was up in an elegant bun. Not a hair was touching my neck where a silver locket hung with a picture of Brian holding James while smiling inside of it. Jimmy had taken the picture with his cell phone.

                “You make a beautiful maid of honor,” he complimented me and kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you handsome best man,” I complimented him back.

                Brian chuckled and swept me off my feet and carried me down the stairs to his shining black 1969 mustang. After he opened the door for me we got in and drove off to Johnny and Tori’s wedding.

|Thank you guys so much for reading this story. It's so sad to complete it but it also relieving. I loved writing it and I loved looking at all of your comments :) Thank you so much for reading, I love you guys and I hope you all liked it!

That is a picture of Brian and Jimmy and the song is once again "Acid Rain" by Avenged Sevenfold.

I am in the midst of writing a new story that has nothing to do with this one so be watching for it! It's called "Almost Easy."|

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