Chapter 25

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                “I told you,” Brian smirked as we drove back to my apartment. “You did, and I’m so happy you were so excited about him,” I mumbled. “What‘d you expect, you know how I feel about this situation. I’m not going to jump up and down for him,” Brian said back.

                “I just,” I started to say, then stopped myself. I didn’t feel like arguing with Brian. I knew how he felt about the baby. I was expecting too much from him back in the hospital. I should just be happy he came with me to the appointment and agreed to care for our son.

                “Thank you for coming with me,” I finally said while moving a piece of hair out of my face.

                Brian nodded and put his focus into driving. After a couple of minutes Brian’s phone vibrated. He reached down to grab it and read the message.

                I don’t like it when people text and drive at the same time, especially now that I’m carrying a human life.

                “Want to meet up with everyone else at the beach tonight?” he asked me after reading the text message.

                “Yeah sure.”

                “Okay I’ll pick you up at 6.”

I slipped on a black whole piece swimsuit. It was made for younger women so it was cute but to be honest I wasn’t a fan of whole piece swimsuits and hoped that I wouldn’t have to use it tonight.

                I put on a loose black Peter Pan tank with a white design on the front then a blue and black checkered flannel shirt on over it. Luckily you couldn’t see my swimsuit. I slid on blue jean shorts and black converse and put my hair into a messy side braid. Six o’clock was five minutes away.

                By the time I walked into the living room Brian knocked on the door. I walked to it and opened it. Brian was waiting wearing green camo shorts and a white v-neck. That seemed to be all he wore. On his head he wore a baseball cap, flattening his hair and on his feet were dark brown worn out flip-flops.

                “Wow, you look good. I can hardly see the bump on your tummy,” he complimented me.

                “You sure know how to compliment a girl,” I said sarcastically but thankful that he was trying.

                It was still weird to me that he was acting this way towards me but I wanted to cherish it for as long as I could. I felt that any minute now he would turn against me and not talk to me like he had been doing.

                We drove to the beach blaring different songs on the way there. Most were songs by Oingo Boingo or Guns N’ Roses but a few were some songs of his own, Avenged Sevenfold.

                As we pulled into the parking lot I could see that Johnny, Matt and Paige, Jimmy, and Zack were already there.

                “There you guys are,” Johnny grinned. He looked tensed and stressed out. Jimmy had a huge wacky grin on his face. His glasses were a bit sandy as if they had fallen in the white beach sand.

                “Here we are,” Brian said.

                “I need y’all to act normal, I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna propose to Tori.” Johnny looked like a nervous wreck.

                “Good for you man,” Brian grinned and encouraged Johnny with a pat on the back. I smiled at Johnny as if I hadn’t heard the news before and hugged him, “that’s great Johnny.”

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