Chapter 39

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*Brian’s POV*

                My mind was filled with things I couldn’t comprehend. I was nervous as hell. I wanted to vomit but that would only make matters worse. I didn’t want to be a father. I was only in this for Blake. I loved her she deserved the kind of guy that would be a good father to her baby so I would try my best to be that guy.

                We were in my mustang flying down the highway at 95 mph. Today was the day. Mine and Blake’s son would be here soon.

*Jimmy’s POV*

                “I’m on my way,” I quickly hung up. Brian had just called me. His voice was shaky but that was okay because I was about to be an Uncle!

                I grabbed my keys off of the messy wooden coffee table and ran out the door.

                Flying my old grey BMW down the highway and smoking a cigarette helped calm me down. I wasn’t near as nervous as Blake or Brian but, shit, I was nervous.

                “Blake Blackwell,” I nearly yelled at the scared receptionist. I quickly looked at my reflection on the glass counter. My black hair was a mangled mess. My glasses were a bit crooked and my eyes were crazy. Poor girl, no wonder she was shaking so bad.

                “I’m sorry there’s no one here by the name of Blake Blackwell,” the young female receptionist almost whispered. She wouldn’t make eye contact with me. “Then Brian, Brian Haner. If that doesn’t work Synyster Gates. They’re here I know they are!” I finally yelled.

                She jumped and quickly flipped through the papers.

                “Jimmy over here!” a familiar yell came my way.

                Brian was standing in a doorway waving me over. “Nevermind,” I said to the receptionist as I ran towards my best friend and brother.

                “I’m glad you made it man,” Brian hugged me tight.

                I hugged him right back.

                “Nice clothes,” I joked. He was wearing scrubs over his clothes and a doctors mask over his face. “Shut up,” he chuckled nervously.

                “I’m sorry sir you can’t be in here,” an anxious nurse told me.

                “No she’s my friend, she’ll let me,” I argued. Blake turned towards me. Her grey eyes were raging with fire. “Jimmy,” she managed to smile and wave. I grinned and waved back, “see?”

                “Sorry sir only relatives,” the nurse said while pushing me out of the door.

                “No wait,” I tried to argue back but I realized Blake and Brian were both stressed out, I was only making it worse.

                “How are they?” a rough voice asked behind me. Matt.

                “I’ve never seen Brian more panicked in my life,” I admitted, “Blake looks awful too.”

                Matt chuckled and wrapped his arm around Paige who walked up beside him along with Johnny, Zack, and Tori.

                We all made our way to the waiting area and sat there for three hours. Waiting.

|Okay we're finally here! Too bad I won't be uploading anymore tonight >:) I have to keep the suspense alive!

Thank you so much for reading! You guys are amazing! That is a picture of the guys in order from left to right: Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky, Brian, Matt.

Thanks again for reading let me know what you think in the comments!|

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