Chapter 29

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                Over the next month Brian had been trying not to talk about the baby at all. He seemed to get uncomfortable with the subject and didn’t even touch any of the baby’s things. While he did the regular household chores I dealt with buying a crib, diapers, toys, a bunch of baby things. Luckily I had recently moved into Brian’s room with him so the baby could have his own room. It was too expensive buying two separate cribs and the baby’s things were taking up too much space in my room. It was crowded so we sold the bed and I moved into Brian’s room.

                I could tell Brian was trying to get better about the baby but he just wasn’t ready to be a father and it was worrying me. He truly just did not want this baby. The only thing that got better was the way he treated me and the doctor visits. His way of thinking about the baby and lately any child was stone cold and bitter.

                I was now six months pregnant.

                “Hey Brian,” I cautiously walked up to him. He was standing in the black tiled kitchen making himself a sandwich.

                He raised an eyebrow at me, “yes?” God he looked hot. He had just gotten out of the shower so his hair was still a little wet and matted down. He wore a black v-neck and grey basketball shorts. He walked around barefoot.

                “I need to tell you something,” I now stood on the opposite side of the counter facing him.

                “What is it? Do you want a sandwich? I’ll make you one real quick,” he offered.

                I shook my head, “no. Okay here it goes,” I braced myself for the storm that was coming next, “I signed us up for parenting classes.”

                Brian was just about to take a bite of his delicious looking sandwich but he stopped mid-bite, “what?”

                “Before you say anything about it I just want to say I did it because I feel like it’ll help us out a lot because neither of us seem ready to be parents in a few months,” I said hoping to calm him down.

                He put his sandwich back on his napkin delicately and looked back up at me. “No.”

                “Brian please just try it and if you gain nothing from the class we don’t have to go again please! I won’t ask you to do anything else,” I begged.

                “What all do you do at this class?” he asked picking his sandwich up again and taking a bite.

                “We’ll do some yoga exercises and other stuff it’s supposed to relax us and at the same time teach us how to be good parents, please do it. Just one class,” I begged again but this time making my eyes seem angelic and pleading.

                “Yoga? Hell no, if the guys found out about that I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”

                “Brian I won’t ask again, please just one class and you’ll never have to go again.”

                Brian sighed and rubbed his forehead, “fine. When is the damn thing?”

                “In an hour, we’ll have to leave in thirty minutes,” I bit my lower lip out of nervousness.

                He threw his head back and groaned then straightened up and looked back at me, “I’m not changing my clothes.”

                “You looked perfect,” I smiled and kissed him on the lips quickly then went and got myself ready.

|Thank you for reading! Brian is turning out to be the pretty ideal boyfriend :)

That is a picture of Brian with a violin and the song is "Hail to the King" by A7X... I don't know why I chose that song for this chapter just go with it. The song is just perfect although it has nothing to do with the chapter.

Thanks again for reading!|

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