Chapter 10

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|I hope you guys like this chapter, keep in mind it's in Brian's point of view (POV)|

~Brian’s POV~

                I couldn’t believe it, Blake was just going to tell my friends about what had happened between us without hesitation. I was infuriated as I drove to her apartment in my black ’69 mustang. At least she invited me over to discuss what was going to happen before she flat out told them what happened between us.

                As I parked my car I took deep breaths and calmed down, Jimmy had a ‘talk’ with me about Blake and how I was treating her. I couldn’t help it, as much as I hate admitting it, she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen and she made me happy. She had to go. I never let a girl into my life, not even my mom or my sister. I talked to them and hung out with them but I never opened up to them and shared feelings with them. I just wasn’t that type of guy.

                The only woman I ever let into my life I met a couple of years ago, we had planned on getting married till I walked in on her banging some dude in my own bed. That was a few months before I met Blake.

                Then I remembered why I was so rude to Blake in the first place, Jimmy made me go and talk to her knowing I didn’t want to. I wanted to mess up what he was trying to set up on purpose so I could have more time to wallow in my own sorrow at my last girlfriend’s mistake.

                As I thought about my past I grew angry but quickly calmed down as I got to Blake’s door, I didn’t want to take my anger out on her. I would try my best to keep it concealed.

                Later after we told had told the group and everyone dispersed Jimmy, Blake, and I went back up to her apartment. I have performed in front of 90,000 people but telling Matt, Johnny, Zack, and Paige about Blake and I was still more nerve-wracking.

                We now stood waiting for the elevator to arrive to take us up to her apartment. Once we got in Jimmy mumbled, “I’m still against it.” I could tell Blake knew exactly what he was talking about, I did too. “Everyone else is against it too,” he continued, “Zack, Johnny, and Matt were excited to be Uncles, so was I.”

                After Jimmy said that I had, had enough. I felt bad for the next thing I did, after all, I deserved what he was saying to me and Jimmy was my best friend, he was like a brother to me. I caught him and Blake off guard when I snapped at him, “look you can’t always get what you want, this is our life not yours and if you wouldn’t have made Blake miss her appointment we wouldn’t have had to tell everyone what happened and she could’ve been out of our lives sooner!”

                Blake looked hurt after I had said what I said. I could see it in her gorgeous grey eyes. I remember the night we were in my apartment she was drunkenly complaining to me about her ‘dull’ eye color, but I loved her eyes. I never meant to hurt her in the way I had but I was too much of a coward to tell her the truth. It was hard on me too, ever since we slept together I’ve wanted her even more since then.

                It pained me to see Blake looking so hurt but it destroyed me when I looked at Jimmy and immediately knew what was coming next.

                Jimmy yelled at me in the elevator in front of Blake, he’s never yelled at me in front of anyone before. Luckily no one got on while we were in there or it would’ve been even more embarrassing.

                As Jimmy yelled at me he wrapped his arm around a helpless looking Blake as if he was protecting her from me and kissed the top of her head. It made me a bit jealous that he had the freedom to do that and if I did it Blake would ask questions. As he yelled at me, I felt myself feeling weaker and smaller.

                As he finished the doors opened and we walked to her apartment. Jimmy was immediately happy again. That was one reason why he was my best friend, he already forgave me for yelling at him, I knew all was forgiven in his mind. He was too carefree to stay mad at me for more than a minute.

 I walked behind the two feeling pathetic. I hated it when Jimmy yelled at me, he rarely did it but when he did, it was more uncomforting than anything I have ever had to face. He should never have to yell at me anyways he’s already been through enough and he’s the only person who really makes my life worth living. Every second’s an adventure when you’re with him.

                As we walked into the apartment I remembered the time we were in Europe and a guy punched Matt in the face, starting a bar fight. Everyone got into it including me and Jimmy. I had a broken nose and busted lip when the cops arrived. Matt, Zack, Johnny, and I didn’t want to get arrested so we let the cops take over but Jimmy wasn’t done. As everyone slowly stopped fighting Jimmy started screaming and running in circles around the six cops and making fun of them because they didn’t have guns so the four of us could get away. The cops pepper sprayed him and put him in prison that night. The next day we had a concert so our manager busted him out and we were able to make it to our own concert just in time.

                Jimmy and I sat on the couch and turned on the TV while Blake got us beers. I watched as she bent over and grabbed them, my heart wanted her more than anything but I knew I was going to let my stubbornness get the best of me again. As she turned to walk back to us I quickly diverted my eyes and looked at the TV.

                I had thought about leaving and going back to my apartment but it was so lonely there that I figured I would be happier being a jerk to the girl I like a lot and getting yelled at by my best friend, as long as I was with them I wasn’t alone.  Every now and then I felt her glance at me making my heart jump every time she did. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and kiss her right then and there but that would’ve made for an awkward explanation.

                Instead I sat on the end of the couch, her in between Jimmy and me, and we watched “Big Bang Theory” for two hours straight while listening to Jimmy laugh obnoxiously loud at the comedy.

|Once again thank you for reading I hope you liked it!

The picture is of Brian (right) and Jimmy (left)!

The song is "Buried Alive" by Avenged Sevenfold because the song perfectly descibes how Brian is feeling right now.

Thank you for reading! <3|

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