Chapter 19

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                Brian and I pulled out of Matt and Paige’s neighborhood in Brian’s gorgeous shining black ’69 mustang. The inside of the car smelled like alcohol, cigarettes, and cologne, Brian’s signature smell.

                We drove for about fifteen minutes before reaching a long asphalt road leading to nowhere. It was surrounded by trees with only the stars above us. Brian turned on “Every Rose has its Thorn” by Poison and stared straight ahead into the black.

“I guess I have some things to tell you,” he finally confessed.

                “That’s a start,” I urged him on.

                He chewed on his lower lip and sighed through his nose not wanting to continue but did anyways.

Brian started off by telling me about how he met the love of his life, Mackenzie Hewitt. She was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, making me feel a bit depressed. She had gorgeous long brown hair that felt like silk. She had a beautiful body and the most comforting brown eyes. He finished describing her then mumbled, “she was perfect, but too perfect to be true.” He described how I looked and acted nothing like her making me feel even less confident about myself. He told me about the day they met and how they instantly clicked, or so he had thought. He proposed to her six months later and she said yes.

It was in every newspaper every, every magazine, and headlined the news on the internet about how adorable Mackenzie and the untamable Synyster Gates were. Then one day Brian received a call from Jimmy. It was the one of the only times Jimmy had ever threatened to beat up a girl because he was so pissed.

I looked into Brian’s mortified eyes, he was reliving the moment.

~Brian’s POV~

                “I’m going to tear you up, you b*tch!” Jimmy screamed on the other side of the phone, “you’ll go to hell for this! I’ll kill you!”

                “Let me go Jimmy! You don’t mean it! I know deep down inside you still love me like a sister! Remember all of those times you, Brian, and I had together? Remember those memories?” a high pitched voice cried in the back ground.

                “Get you’re a** over here Brian before I kill her and her f*ckin man whore!” Jimmy thundered through the phone.

                I drove to my apartment and unlocked the front door 10 minutes later. “Jimmy?” I called throughout the empty apartment, shaking.

                No answer.

                I slowly walked through the apartment, everything was neat and in place like it usually was. It was just in my head, I didn’t receive a call from Jimmy saying that Mackenzie was cheating on me. I walked over to the dark blue couch and sat down to try and relax. It had been a stressful day so I pulled my box of cigarettes out of my pocket and was about to light a cancer stick when I saw a small glimmer in the corner of my eye.

                I looked on the ground next to the refrigerator, there was something shining coming from under it. I got up from the couch leaving my unlit cigarette on the couch. I reached under the fridge and pulled out a ring, Mackenzie’s engagement ring.

                I stared at the ring that was now resting in the palm of my hand. Was that call from Jimmy I received real? Was he still here? Was Mackenzie? I slowly started for the only place I hadn’t looked in my apartment, my bedroom.

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