Chapter 27

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                Even though Brian was being really nice and starting to care I still had my barriers up around him. This is exactly what happened last time back at Matt and Paige’s party. He let me in then immediately shut me out.

                We walked back hand in hand and sat around the fire with the others. Matt had brought marshmallows and passed them around for us to grab one. Brian grabbed two and I grabbed one. Jimmy had grabbed five and Johnny and Zack grabbed three.

                “Hey Jimmy toss me a beer would you?” Brian asked. Jimmy gladly grabbed himself and Brian a beer. “Blake we have water, you want one?” Jimmy asked. I nodded, “yes please.” He tossed me a water but Brian intercepted it then gently handed it to me. Matt handed a beer to Paige and grabbed one for himself then wrapped his arm around her. She smiled and leaned into him resting her head on his shoulder.

                As we roasted the marshmallows I noticed Johnny getting tensed up. Before I could say something to get his mind off of the big question. Johnny blurted, “I have something to say.”

                We all knew what was coming so we weren’t surprised to see Johnny stand up and reach in his pocket. “Tori, I have only known you for four weeks but I felt like I have known you my entire life. You make me happier and want to be a better person. We’re surrounded by our friends so I figured that there wouldn’t be any better time to do this. Blake tried to talk me out of this a few days ago but I figured Seize the Day or die regretting so,” Johnny pulled a large diamond ring out of his pocket and got on one knee, “Tori, will you marry me?”

                I bit my lower lip unsure of what Tori would say but everyone else seemed confident. I felt relieved when I saw tears come from Tori’s eyes and a smile cross her face, “yes!”

                Johnny laughed out of happiness and wrapped a crying Tori up in his arms. He hugged her tight then kissed her.

                We all cheered and congratulated the couple then someone suggested we go for a swim. I’m assuming it was Jimmy because he grabbed Johnny and slung him over his shoulder then made a beeline for the water. The sun was nearly completely behind the horizon but it was still light enough to see what was in the water.

                Tori laughed and ran after the two. I looked at Matt and Paige and saw Matt turn around to face Paige, a devious look was in his eyes. Paige opened her mouth to say something but Matt picked her up and slung her over his shoulders and ran into the water. Paige was screaming and laughing the entire way down.

                Brian, Zack, and I were left. “Do you wanna go in?” Brian asked me. I wish he would’ve acted like Matt and did something fun like that but at the same time I’m glad he asked me because I didn’t want to. “No you two go ahead,” I told Brian and Zack. “Actually I might stay behind with you,” Zack said, “you go on Brian.” Brian shrugged then leaned over to me and lightly kissed me on the lips making me smile. He then stood up and took his shirt off and flip flops off. I stared at his body then when he turned to me I quickly looked away blushing. He smirked knowing I stared at him then took off running towards the water.

                Zack and I walked down towards the water and sat in the sand near the others. We talked for a bit then sat back and watched our friends goof around in the water.

                I looked over at Jimmy who threw a clump of mud at Johnny who was making out with Tori in the water. Johnny was hit spot on in the back and turned to face Jimmy. An evil grin crossed his face. He and Tori both picked up clumps of mud and threw them at a laughing Jimmy who only got hit by a little piece. Brian had joined in the fight on Jimmy’s side.

                Matt and Paige were smiling at each other. Matt was holding Paige close. She had the biggest grin on her face. Matt placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her face close to his. He leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

                I smiled at them wishing Brian and I were that close. I didn’t notice that Zack had gotten up and joined in the fight with Jimmy, Johnny, and Tori. I also didn’t notice the tall figure standing next to me. “Enjoying the view?” Brian asked. I looked up at him and grinned. He plopped himself down next to me and grabbed my hand.

                We sat watching them for a while before Zack came running back to us a huge grin on his face and a clump of mud on his calf. “Hey I’m gonna grab the frisbee and lets play!” he hollered before taking off towards the frisbee, grabbing it, then running back into the water.

                “You should come play, you don’t have to get body deep in the ocean with us at least come ankle deep so you can participate with us,” Brian urged.

                I nodded, “okay.”

                He stood up off the ground, his whole wet backside was covered with sand. I assumed he would walk off and let me get up on my own but I was wrong. Synyster Gates turned around and reached down to help me up.

                “Thanks,” I grinned. He smiled back then reached around me and picked me up bridal style. My dry body was pressed up against his soaking wet one but I was okay with it. The wind blew a little giving him small goosebumps. As I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep my surprised self steady, he leaned in and gave me a long kiss on the lips. In the distance I could hear Jimmy cheering along with the others. We laughed at them cheering as Brian carried me into the water. He set me down right to where I was ankle deep and we started our small yet intense game of frisbee.

|Thanks for reading!! :) I hope y'all liked it!

That is a picture of Zacky and Syn! The song is the a capella version of "Almost Easy" by Avenged Sevenfold, it's so gorgeous!!

Thanks again for reading! :)|

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