Chapter 32

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                Paige, Tori, and I made our way to a safe area that the guys had surprised us with by reserving it for us. We were up by the front of the stage but separated from the pit. It was nice. We received some dirty looks from jealous fans and others asked to take pictures with us. We gladly took pictures with the eager Avenged Sevenfold fans and chatted with them.

                After an hour of waiting the familiar sound of an organ playing caught everyone’s attention. M. Shadows was sitting behind a small organ playing the beginning of “Critical Acclaim.”

                I looked over at Paige. She was beaming with pride at her husband on stage.

                The crowd was already going wild. When Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, Johnny Christ, and The Rev walked out the crowd went even crazier. As Syn and Zacky moved to the front of the stage to play a small duet I felt Syn’s eyes fall on me. I looked up at him and grinned. He smirked at me and continued to play.

                The entire concert was absolutely amazing, the best I had ever been to, right up on my list with Kiss. It wasn’t just because my boyfriend was up on stage rocking the house down, it was also because they were genuinely amazing. They had a connection with the audience that most bands don’t have. M. Shadows knew how to keep the audience focused on the concert and entertain them.

                Johnny, Zacky, and Syn were very serious about playing their instruments for the most part but they were also goofy and having fun. The Rev sounded magnificent on stage. I didn’t know he could sing as good as he did. His drum rhythms were complicated and nearly impossible to play while singing but he did it flawlessly. It was unreal.

                As the guys played “Almost Easy” I noticed Synyster Gates happily showing off his skill of playing the song with only one hand. I grinned at him and he looked over just in time to see it. He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows. My smile grew when he playfully dangled his tongue out of his mouth and skipped to the other side of the stage not missing a single note on the guitar.

                M. Shadows and Johnny made silly faces at their girlfriends too then they would point their gaze towards me. I felt Paige grip my arm out of excitement. I looked at her and smiled. She proceeded to make faces back at M. Shadows making him laugh! She watched with glee as her other half walk away from our side laughing.

                As the concert came to an end with “A Little Piece of Heaven” and Zacky rocking a red blazer, Paige, Tori, and I made our way through the giant crowd of people towards the stairs leading down into the vendors area when I heard a high-pitched voice call out Paige’s name.

                The three of us turned around to face a girl with hip-length, straight, dark brown hair. She showed rage in her hazel eyes. Her tan skin was just as smooth as her hair. She wore a skimpy outfit revealing her stomach. She looked like a model.

                Next to her was a large man wearing a white muscle top and jeans. He had short cut blonde hair and wore a mean grin.

                “Blake, get out of here,” Paige whispered lightly pushing me away. “Who is that?” I asked Paige but she ignored me, “this girl’s trouble, just go.”

                I refused and asked the woman, “who are you?”

                She smiled showing pearly white teeth, “I’m Brian’s ex-fiance, Mackenzie.”

                “Oh yeah, he told me all about you, the whore. What do you want?” I asked her immediately growing angry. What was she doing here?

                She rolled her eyes at my comment and started to speak. “I want you to break up with Brian so he’ll come crawling back to me,” she demanded placing her hands on her hips.

                I shook my head, “the hell would I do that for?”

                “Maybe because if you don’t you’ll be putting yours and your baby’s life in danger,” she threatened.

                I didn’t believe her. “You wouldn’t do that to Brian’s baby,” I challenged.

                “Blake stop,” Paige whispered. “Just leave us alone Mackenzie. You had a chance with Brian and you ruined it. He’s over you. He’s found someone else,” Paige warned Mackenzie.

                “I don’t think so,” Mackenzie sighed, “it would be ashamed if Brian found out that you hurt his baby by ‘accidentally’ falling down the stairs.”

                “You’re a psycho,” I spat at her then turned around and started walking away with Paige and Tori. We made it to the stairs when I heard the sound of heels hitting the concrete behind me as if someone was running at me.

                “You’re just angry because I was- shit!” Mackenzie gasped. I turned just in time to see her trip and fall. As she did so she pushed me making me fall. Unfortunately the stairs were what was below me and down was the only direction I could go. Before I blacked out I saw Matt and Jimmy running towards Greg, and Brian with a worried look on his face running down the stairs towards me.

        |This chapter wasn't that well written and I apologize for that. I want you guys to know, I have officially completed "Acid Rain" (this story) and it's in the editing stages on my laptop. I will try to post the rest of the story very soon! :)

That is a picture of the guys. The song is "A Little Piece of Heaven" because that's one of my favorite songs by them and it's a crazy song, Mackenzie is crazy so it fits! :)

Thanks for reading you guys are amazing for voting and commenting!|

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