Chapter 8

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                Jimmy had driven me around town all day trying to comfort me. I kept yelling at him to take me back, but gave up after three hours when I finally realized he wasn’t going to.

                He finally dropped me off at my apartment at eight o’clock at night after 9 hours of driving. I stepped out of his car and slammed the door behind me, I didn’t bother starting a fight with him because I knew we’d both regret it later. “Bye Blake, I’m sorry it had to come to this! You’ll understand later trust me!” he yelled as he rolled the window down.

                I ignored him and walked to my door, unlocked it, and slammed it behind me. The next day, I made another appointment for as soon as possible, the only opening was a month from now.

                The next day came all too quickly. I was burnt out from yesterday and I didn’t want to go anywhere.

                I woke up to the sound of my phone playing “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses. I looked to see who was calling me, I tensed when I saw the contact name, Brian.

                “Hello?” I answered a little less than confident.

                “Did it happen?” Brian asked impatiently.

                “I’m surprised you’re up this early,” I stalled while looking at the time, 9:00 AM.

                “Are you kidding me? I’ve been up all night thinking about it, it happened right?” he asked, a small sense of tension in his voice.

                “Really all night? Do you regret wanting an abortion?” I asked trying to put off my answer for as long as I could.

                “No, hell no, I was up all night worried you didn’t go through with the plan.”

                “Oh, okay,” I didn’t say anything else, worried about what I was about to say.


                I liked the sound of him saying my name. When he said it, it sounded comforting. I shook the thought of Brian saying my name out of my head and focused on the task ahead of me, telling Brian the news.

                “Did you get the abortion?” he paused, “or did Jimmy do something?”

                I sighed not wanting to feel the wrath of Brian over the phone after I told him what happened. “Jimmy picked me up around 11 and we were on our way to the appointment. We were about to turn in the parking lot when he sped up and told me he wasn’t going to let me get an abortion because Matt, Johnny, Zack, Paige, and Jimmy thought that we,” I stopped before I revealed what Jimmy had told me.

                “What? What did he say Blake?” Brian asked through gritted teeth.

                I rubbed my forehead and thought about what Jimmy had said about Brian and me. Did they all really think that?

                “Blake!” Brian yelled.

                “They thought that we would regret it,” I lied, “I tried to tell Jimmy we wouldn’t and that this abortion needed to happen but he wouldn’t hear it and wouldn’t let me out of the car. We drove around for eight hours, I’m sorry Brian!”

                I could hear glass shattering through the phone then Brian sighed.

                “I made another appointment,” I whispered trying not to let my voice crack, “for next month.”

                “So Matt, Zack, and Johnny know about your pregnancy?” he asked, anger clearly in his voice but for once, it wasn’t towards me.

                “No, they don’t but Jimmy said that he knew what they would think,” I lied again. I heard a sigh come from the other side of the phone.

                “Just get it done as soon as possible.”

                And with that, he hung up.

                A week had gone by. I hadn’t talked to Jimmy or any of the other guys at all. Jessie and I talked once yesterday. Katie, Victoria, and Jasmine had come by to ask me who I left with the night we went to that club and where I had been since then. I explained everything that had happened with Synyster Gates but left out the part where I got pregnant. They then invited me to go drinking but I declined because of my pregnancy.

                Another week had gone by. I had been sitting in my apartment all week doing nothing. I ate and ate, my stomach had gotten a little bigger. When I realized I had run out of groceries I hesitantly slid on jeans and a t-shirt, threw my hair into a bun and drove to the store.

                I was walking through the aisle trying to choose what type of ice cream I wanted when I felt someone staring at me. I looked out of the corner of my eye and noticed Matt. He walked up to me and smiled politely.

                “Hey Blake, I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said.

                “Hi Matt,” I grinned and hugged him.

                “We need to hang out, do you want to come by later? We need to catch up,” he asked taking a quick glance at my stomach.

                It was when Matt invited me over that I knew that him and the others really were becoming my close friends, it was right then when I decided that they needed to know the truth. I couldn’t keep this from them any longer. They were Brian’s best friends and they were becoming mine too, I already had all of their numbers. Matt, Paige, Zack, and Johnny needed to know I was pregnant with Brian’s baby. I just needed to okay it with Brian first.

                “Actually I was going to see if you, Zack, Paige, Johnny, and Jimmy wanted to meet at a park near my apartment building around 3:00, I have some things I need to say,” I said.

                Matt looked confused then eventually nodded, “yeah that sounds good, I’ll be there.”

|Thank you for reading! Two uploads in a row? What?! :) I'm pretty ecstatic that I got to do that! Sorry this is kind of a filler chapter....

The picture is of Johnny (Johnny Christ) Seward and the song is "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold. I felt that it was appropriate because Blake is terrified by the events going on right now.

Thank you for reading, this chapter is dedicated to @mirandajenkins8 because she voted for all chapters of "Acid Rain." Thank you Miranda, you're awesome and you inspire me to continue writing!|

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