Chapter 23

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                Brian came over immediately after he hung up. He appeared at my door carrying clothes for tomorrow. When he first knocked on the door it surprised me. He actually came.

                “What do you want to do?” I asked Brian a few minutes later.

                We were sitting on the small couch in my living room in my apartment doing nothing. The TV was turned off there wasn’t any music playing. We were staring at nothing in front of us.

                He shrugged, “I don’t know what do you usually do when you’re alone?”

                “I watch TV.”

                “Then let’s do that.”

                I turned on the TV and “Supernatural” started playing.

                “Cool this is my favorite show,” he said while adjusting himself to get more comfortable on the couch.

                “Mine too,” I said taking a glimpse of him.

                He wore grey basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. His hair wasn’t styled for once, it looked patted down but still stuck out a bit on the sides.

                After watching three episodes of “Supernatural” I turned to Brian and as much as I didn’t want to bring up the subject I did.

                “What are we going to do about the baby?” I asked.

                He sighed knowing this was coming.

                “I was thinking you could keep it while I’m on tour and when I’m off, me and the guys will take care of him for two weeks,” he said.

                I was stunned. He had actually thought about it, but what he said wasn’t good enough.

                “Brian, you have to care for the child, and it has to be longer than two weeks. You know that.”

                “I get that I just don’t understand why, I didn’t sign up for this, I don’t want that child.”

                I stared at him, he was serious. To get off the topic of what we were going to do about the baby instead I asked, “what do you want it to be?”

                He stared back at me. He was peering deep into my eyes, lost in thought. “I’d like a boy. What about you?”

                “It doesn’t matter to me, they both have their pros and cons,” I decided.

                “Any thoughts on a name?” he asked.

                I smiled happy he was getting into the conversation, “I was thinking if it was a boy, Dean Haner.” Brian snickered. “Not because of Supernatural. I’ve always liked that name,” I justified my words. He raised a brow and smirked, “ugh huh,” he said sarcastically, “and for a girl?” “Astrid Haner.”

                He looked towards the coffee table, “I like that.” “Have you thought about names?” I asked.

                He shook his head, “no. I like your girl name and the guy name is okay but not for my son. I like Axl.”

                “Like Axl Rose?” I laughed.

                He nodded, “yeah like Axl Rose but also the same reason you had, I just really like the name.”

                “We’ll figure out what the gender is before we start arguing about names,” I decided.

                For the next three minutes we sat in silence. He was lost in thought, I didn’t want to disturb him so I acted like I was texting someone. Finally he broke the silence, “so about our son’s future,” he paused to think again, “how about you move in with me, I have a two bedroom apartment and we can live together and try to make this work out. If it doesn’t I’ll help pay for your apartment. I can keep Axl as much as I can when we’re not on tour and when we are you can keep him. How does that sound?”

                It sounded amazing. I grinned big, “so you can tell it’s going to be a boy?”

                He nodded with a smirk, “oh I know it’s going to be a boy.”

                “I have just one more question,” I started, “did ‘wanting to get on my good’ side really make you come, or was it something else?”

                Brian sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “I’m gonna be honest with you because I really do like you a lot. I came tonight because I wanted to get on your good side and because Jimmy and I were hanging out and he told me I’d better go or he’d destroy my guitar. Did I believe him? Yes. But really I do want this whole thing to work out between us.”

                That night I slept in my bed and he slept on the couch. We watched a few movies and talked about random things till three in the morning. We made up for the times we were too stubborn to talk to each other but things were still a little awkward between us. We weren’t exactly dating even though a few weeks ago he kissed me and was all over me but at the same time we weren’t “just friends” either. But that didn’t matter to either of us, as long as we weren’t fighting and we were together we were happy.

|Thanks for reading!!

So I'm still continuing this story but just as a heads up, I am now working on another story... it's not a sequel or anything to this but it uses the same characters. But it's a completely different story. Just letting you guys know it's in the making in case you're interested. I'll let you all know when I upload the first chapter!

The picture is Brian and the song is "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica.

       Once again thanks for reading!!|

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