Chapter 15

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~Blake’s POV~

                After that day on the beach I couldn’t stop thinking of Brian. He looked amazing and he even smelled amazing. The scent of cigarettes, alcohol, cologne and soap lingered on him. Any sane person would be revolted by that smell but I loved it, I loved it on him.

                I mentally shook my head and forced myself to quit thinking of Brian. Tonight Matt and Paige were throwing a party, I invited Victoria to come with me so I could introduce her to Johnny. Those two just seemed to work together.

                Victoria came over and we got ready for the party together. She had on a long, silk, green dress that made her long curled red hair stand out. Her green eyes had brown eye shadow and eyeliner around them bringing out their gorgeous green color.

                I on the other hand wore a plain, dark purple, knee-length dress with large sleeves that went to my elbows. It covered my small bump well making it look like I wasn’t even pregnant. I applied grey eye shadow and black eye liner to my eyes somewhat making my grey eyes pop. I put my hair into a messy bun with tassels hanging down.

                “You look beautiful Tori!” I exclaimed. She turned to face me, a huge grin slid across her face. “Really?” she continued to smile, “I haven’t dressed this modest in a while. It feels nice.” “Well you look great,” I smiled while grabbing my car keys.

                On the way to the party Victoria was explaining how she felt so nervous because she actually felt beautiful for once and she felt that she could actually land a nice guy for once. I was nervous too, I planned on introducing her to Johnny tonight and that could either go very well or horribly. I was also nervous because Brian was going to be there and Jimmy texted me saying both he and Brian dress up very well for fancy parties like Matt and Paige’s.

                As we pulled into the now full driveway I could tell Tori was even more nervous than me. At least I knew a couple of people here, she only knew me.

                We stared in awe at the large modern mansion that filled three acres of land, the rest of the four acres had a golf course, basketball court, pool, and plain fresh green grass going for miles. Matt and Paige had a beautiful home.

                As we stepped inside the luxurious home I immediately knew this wasn’t the normal party I went to for people like Jimmy, Matt, Brian, Zack, Johnny, and Paige. There were older couples dressed in formal clothes and children running around. Symphonic music played softy on the stereo and expensive wine and small sandwiches were being served by three waiters.

                “Blake, thank you for coming,” Matt grinned as he walked over to us, a glass of wine in his right hand and Paige looking more gorgeous than ever on his left.

                I had never seen this side of Matt before. Usually he was tough and a bit rebellious, not that all of them weren’t rebellious it’s just him and Jimmy usually went overboard with stuff. Tonight he looked nice.

                He wore a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath and a navy blue tie to match Paige’s long navy blue party dress with black laced sleeves. Her brown hair was up in a neat bun, not a single hair out of place.

                “Wow guys, y’all look great,” I stared in awe at the couple. Paige smiled lightly and rubbed Matt’s arm comfortingly. “Thank you Blake. Brian and Jimmy aren’t here yet but they will be in a minute,” Paige said then added, “so I’ve asked Matt, Johnny, Zack, and Brian to all keep an eye on Jimmy and make sure he doesn’t get too much to drink or else he’ll go crazy and turn this into a rave, will you do the same?”

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