Chapter 4

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                Brian made it to my apartment in 20 minutes. I had quickly put on mascara, chapstick, and nicer clothes just to look presentable. It’s not like I needed to impress him. I got up from the leather couch when I heard a knock on the door.

                I prepared myself for a world of yelling before I finally opened the door. Brian stood in the doorway wearing a white v-neck with black skinny jeans, his hair was spiked the same way it was the night we met. He wore a small bit of eyeliner, his brown eyes looked tired. Small amounts of glitter were found stuck to his shirt and pants. “Are you gonna invite me in?” he asked.

                I moved out of his way and allowed him to enter my home.

                “Thanks for coming,” I said as we sat on the couch. He raised his brow. “Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked. “No, I’m here now get to the point, I don’t want to be here and,” “I’m pregnant,” I cut him off.

                Brian stopped talking and sat still, his jaw had stiffened. I saw his tired eyes immediately change, if he wasn’t awake before, he was awake now. “And it’s mine?” he finally asked. “You’ve been the only recent one,” I felt my face flush with shame, “and believe me, if it could’ve been anyone else, anyone, I would’ve taken them over you.”

                “Thanks,” he mumbled and raised his eyebrows then continued, “well I don’t want anything to do with it, you can get rid of it,” he said. His face was emotionless. “Wow, could you be any more heartless about this?" I asked rhetorically. "What makes you think I want to get rid of it?” I asked taken aback he would just decide instantly to get rid of our baby. “Oh come on, I know you don’t want it,” he chuckled humorlessly, “you’re not the type of girl that would want children.” Surprised he knew that I nodded. “Okay, that’s that, I’ll make an appointment at the abortion clinic for next week and we’ll erase our mistake.” Brian nodded in agreement, “let me know when it’s done.”

                I walked him to the door and was ready to slam the door behind him on our relationship forever but he turned around and said, “oh and after the abortion, lose that number that Jimmy gave you, it’s mine, not his.” I rolled my eyes, of course it was. “I’ll be glad to.”

|I thought I might make a short chapter since the others have been so long, Happy Halloween!! Sorry it's late!

The picture is of Brian (Synyster Gates) again and the song is "Crimson Day" by Avenged Sevenfold.

Thanks for reading, y'all are awesome!|

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