Chapter 33

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                The next time I woke up I was in a hospital, Dr. Smith’s to be exact.

                I looked around the white room to see Brian asleep sitting in a chair pulled right next to the bed. He had major bags under his puffy eyes, he looked like he had been crying. He was in his same clothes he wore at the concert.

                I on the other hand was in a blue hospital night gown with many tubes attached to me. I looked at the date, it was a day after the concert. When I tried to move to adjust myself I felt a huge aching in my stomach. Something was wrong.

                As I started to worry about the baby I heard Brian stir. “Hey you’re up,” he said worriedly but groggily. “How are you?”

                “I’m fine,” I answered then added, “but I don’t think the baby is. Something feels wrong.”

                I saw a hint of anger flash in Brian’s brown eyes.              

                “I’m sorry about Mackenzie, I was afraid she’d be at the concert. I should’ve warned you. I was being too laid back about everything, I was so stupid,” Brian sat back down in the chair next to my bed with his face buried in his hands.

                “Brian, it’s okay you didn’t know about her being there you’re not stupid, but do you know anything about the baby? Is he okay?” I asked getting nervous.

                Brian pulled his face away from his hands and sighed. He scooted his chair closer to the bed and grabbed my hand. A look of depression, rage, and anxiety was in his eyes now.

                “Brian, Brian what is it? What happened?” I asked, my voice cracking.

                “Blake, when Mackenzie pushed you down the stairs it caused some problems. When you fell, you only got a couple of scratches, but our son,” Brian paused, when he started to speak again his voice was shaky, “Blake, our son is hurt badly. The doctor doesn’t know if he’s gonna make it.”

                I couldn’t breathe. No. Not this. Anything but this. After all Brian and I had been through trying to make this work, just for our son… it couldn’t happen. Not like this.

                I felt my face grow hot and tears flooded my eyes. I gripped Brian’s hand tightly hoping he wouldn’t let go. My breath came in short spurts and the room started spinning. I couldn’t see straight. I couldn’t see a thing.

                Suddenly I felt a warm embrace as Brian jumped up and wrapped his arms around me. One hand was placed firmly on my head and intertwined through my hair while the other one hugged my back tight.

                I hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. I felt Brian shaking, “I’m sorry Blake. I’m so sorry.”

                I couldn’t say anything back.

                “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault,” he whispered to me.

                That was enough to make me say something.

                “No,” I said through broken tears. I pulled away from Brian and looked him in the eyes, “this is not your fault. It’s Mackenzie’s. You don’t blame yourself for this. That will only make matters worse. If you start believing that who knows what will happen. We’ll get through this.”

                I said those words again, “we’ll get through this, just like we’ve gotten through everything else.”

                After an hour of crying and hugging my eyes had finally dried out and I stopped crying.

                Brian wiped a tear off of my cheek and kissed my forehead. He looked exhausted. His make-up was smeared around his sad eyes making the bags under his eyes more prominent.

                He leaned in again and kissed me on the lips this time. “I love you,” he whispered when he pulled away. I looked up at him through tears. What did he just say to me?

                I looked into his deep brown eyes then pulled him onto the hospital bed next to me. He laid down next to me still staring at me. I laid on his chest and sniffled.

“I love you too.”

|Wow, roller coaster of emotions, sorry guys!!

That is a picture of Brian. The song is what you guys have been waiting for, "Acid Rain." Brian finally admitted to Blake that he loved her and "Acid Rain" is about going through rough times (an apocalypse) but you know you'll be okay because you're with the one you love.

Thank you for reading! Comment thoughts and please vote!|

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