Chapter 21

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                I saw Brian smile in victory then quickly mumbled, “sorry Jimmy.”

                Jimmy got up to leave the room but I grabbed his arm, “I’m sorry Jimmy.”

“I heard you the first time,” he said through gritted teeth. His glasses gave him a sappy nerdy look that made me feel even more horrible seeing him like this.

                “No. Jimmy,” I gripped his wrist even tighter, tears blurred my vision, “I’m sorry for making you drive out here with me and Brian for nothing.”

                Jimmy quit trying to loosen my grip the slowly turned to me and grinned. “Blake!” he yelled in triumph. He ran to me and threw his arms around me and kissed the top of my head more times than I could count.

                I noticed Brian chew on his lower lip then out of nowhere he punched the wall and walked away.

                “Ignore him,” Jimmy said through many more little kisses.

                After enduring about two more minutes of little friendly happy kisses from Jimmy I walked out of the clinic and found Brian sitting in his car waiting for me and Jimmy.

                “I’m sorry B-“ I started to say while seated next to him in the passenger seat but he cut me off. “I don’t want to hear it, we’ll discuss it later.”

                The ride home was awkward and silent. Even Jimmy was silent for once. Brian walked me up to my apartment once we got there.

                “Do you want to come in and have a drink of coffee or something real quick?” I offered. Brian stood outside my apartment door, it was 3 in the afternoon. “No I gotta go Jimmy’s still in the car, I didn’t leave the windows rolled down,” he stifled a laugh to himself.

                I nodded unclear of what to say. “I guess I’ll see you later,” Brian said taking his keys out of his pocket and turning on his heel to walk away. “Bye Brian,” I said almost whispering. I closed my red apartment door wondering where we went from here.

                Five seconds later I realized I still had something to tell him. I flung open the red door and almost ran down the hallway. When I caught up to Brian the elevator doors had just closed. “Brian!” I shouted. He saw me through the closing crack but it was too late, he was gone.

                “Crap,” I muttered under my breath and sat up against the wall next to the elevator. I was out of breath, today was stressful and it all seemed to be catching up to me now. I didn’t know where I was going to keep the baby. I didn’t know how I was going to afford buying things for the baby or even how to care for one. All I knew was I had to keep it, even if it meant I’d lose Brian. Today was my last chance to abort the baby and I didn’t do it.

                I sat for a couple more minutes to rest, luckily I did because I heard the familiar sound of the elevator doors slide open. “What do you need?” Brian asked stepping out of the automatic metal doors.

                I sighed and smiled lightly happy he came back.

                “Will you help me up?” I asked still out of breath.

                He rolled his eyes and placed a hand on my lower back and another hand in my hand. His touch still sent chills throughout my body even though he wasn’t happy with me.

                “Okay what is it?” he asked annoyed.

                I moved a piece of hair out of my face and bit my lower lip, “I know you’re not attached to the baby or anything, I know you hate it but I just thought I’d let you know what changed my mind today.”

                “Okay, what?” he asked eyebrows raised getting more annoyed by the second.

                “I changed my mind because our baby started to kick today.”

                I saw something change in Brian’s eyes, it was similar to the look in his eyes after he had kissed me at Matt and Paige’s party, “when was it?”

                “Right before you got to my apartment actually, I was humming and it kicked. Then it started kicking harder when you were asking me what was wrong. Our baby knows who you are in fact it’s reacting right now, us being together and all,” I smiled lightly hoping he would show some positive reaction.

                Brian nodded then shrugged, his eyes back to their normal emotionless state, “well when it arrives it’s gonna be pretty disappointed in me.” Brian turned on his heel and walked back into the elevator. We didn’t see each other again for three weeks.

|So I realized when I posted my last chapter I left you all off with a huge cliffhanger... sorry about that lol! So here's the next chapter!

That is a picture of Jimmy (crazy black hair), Brian (fedora), and Zack (far right) from the music video Seize the Day. Yes those are their girlfriends :) The song is "Nightmare" by Avenged Sevenfold because Blake is living what she feels like is a nightmare.

Thanks for reading you guys!|

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