Chapter 37

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*Brian’s POV*
                “You’ve been really nice to me these past couple of months,” Blake started to say, she was fiddling with her fingers, something was on her mind.

                “Yes… it’s because I love you and I don’t want to be rude to you,” I nodded while driving to the hospital for the appointment with Dr. Scumbag.

Blake looked down blushing, hiding her smile. God that smile, it gave me a feeling no other girl has given me, not even Mackenzie. There was something about her that was different from every other girl I had ever met, she knew what to say to me and when she did talk to me, words flowed out of her mouth softly and warmly. It wasn’t just that either, when she wasn’t around me, I missed her. I missed her being by my side and holding my hand. I needed her with me.

“What made you change your attitude about me? Why did you start to care so much so quickly?” she asked, total seriousness in her eyes.

I thought long and hard about her question. We had twenty minutes left before we reached the hospital. Just enough time to explain everything she wanted to know.

“Well,” I started to speak, “everything happened that night you and I went to Jimmy’s.” Blake nodded remembering the night a few months ago.

My memory faded back to the night, starting right as I walked into Jimmy’s house.


                “Hey buddy!” Jimmy yelled from the living room. Metallica was playing loudly and Jimmy was sitting on the soft couch lightly tapping his foot and moving his head along with the music. “Hey Jimmy,” I greeted him when he finally turned the music down. “Come in and play PlayStation with me, I’ve been waiting for someone to play with,” Jimmy demanded while getting up and turning the console on.

                I walked to the couch and sat next to him, he handed me a blue controller and gave himself the black one. The Call of Duty title screen appeared on Jimmy’s PlayStation 3.

                “So Blake huh?” Jimmy asked while shooting a guy that almost took me out. Jimmy’s character ran past me his username quickly flashing _revtholomewplague_.

                I sighed not wanting to talk about her. Jimmy made his character turn around and point his gun at me, “look man I just saved your life but now I have the ability to end it, talk to me or I will just keep finding you and killing you.”

                Jimmy was much better at this game than I was and I really didn’t want to run from him for the entire game, plus he did just save my life. “Okay, what about Blake?” I asked uncomfortably.

                “When are you gonna start dating her?” he asked taking out a person then stealing his ammo.

                “What do you mean? I don’t want to,” I answered back in a monotone voice. Someone started shooting at Jimmy and killed him before Jimmy could get to him. I ran up behind the person and stabbed them in the back gaining the award ‘Avenger.’

                “Thanks man, and you know what I mean. I know you like her you just don’t know how to express yourself around her. You started off hating her and now that you actually like her you don’t know how to act around her because you want to be with her but you don’t know how to change without making everything awkward,” Jimmy stated.

                “Wow,” I chuckled, “you know me really well.” Jimmy shrugged, “I grew up with you man, you’re my brother.”

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