Chapter 6

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                Tuesday afternoon I woke up at 3:00 vomiting over and over again. A couple of hours later when I walked out of the bathroom I looked at the clock on my wall, it read 5:15PM. That was the fourth time I had to run to the bathroom to vomit. I looked down at my stomach and sighed, I was ready to get rid of this thing inside of me.

                I brushed my teeth again and went to my room to put on fresh clothes. I slid on an old faded maroon t-shirt with a dark design on the front. I then slid on old worn out jeans and torn tattered thin white keds on my feet. After putting on a coat of mascara and throwing my ash blonde hair into a messy bun, I walked into the living room and checked my phone.

1 Message: Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan.

                Stop what you’re doing, drop everything, and come to the Olive Garden by my house A.S.A.P, it’s an emergency!!


                Why would Jimmy text me if there was an emergency? What could’ve happened to him? Is Jimmy okay? Where are my car keys?

                These were the questions running through my head as I scrambled around my apartment looking for my keys. I ran out the door and was on my way to Olive Garden in less than a minute.

                As I got out of my car I saw a black 1969 mustang veer in from the other side and whip into the parking space in front of me. I glared at the person in the car who was now rushing out. Much to my surprise it was Brian.

                I raced past him, ignoring him and sped inside. I ran to the small counter in the front of the restaurant where a short hostess with bright red hair was standing. “Excuse me I’m looking for a Jimmy Sullivan,” I said interrupting a conversation she was having with another hostess. Her nametag read ‘Tabby.’

                “You looking for Jimmy too?” I heard a male’s voice behind me. I turned and Brian was right behind me. I hated him but he looked good. He was wearing a black fedora over a bandana and had lightly put on eyeliner. He wore a black v-neck with aviators hanging on the neck and black ripped black skinny jeans.

                “Yeah I am, he texted you too?” I asked. He nodded right before I turned back and looked at the hostess. She had a huge grin across her face then whispered something to the other girl next to her. “Right this way,” she smiled. As we walked throughout the restaurant I noticed people were dressed very fancily. I looked down at my old t-shirt, jeans, and dirty keds and immediately felt my face flush with embarrassment.

                “Nice to know you dress like a homeless person when you go to fancy restaurants,” Brian mumbled. He was right on my heels. I felt that if I stopped walking for a millisecond he would run straight into me. “At least you smell nice,” he added. I rolled my eyes and ignored him although he smelled good too. “Does that host look familiar to you?” he whispered to me. “No, why would she?” I whispered back. “Never mind,” he dropped the question and we continued on in silence.

                “Synyster Gates!” we heard someone call. We turned around and a group of teenagers that looked like they were eating here before a homecoming dance were staring at us. Brian immediately switched from total jerk to nice awesome rock star.

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