Chapter 28

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                A month had passed. Brian and I had been hanging out by ourselves and with the others a lot. He was being the perfect boyfriend. To be honest it creeped me out a little. I was afraid one day he’d wake up and be his old self towards me again. It was a fear I couldn’t ignore.

                Brian and the others had come to my apartment to help me move into Brian’s huge pent house. Jimmy just described it as a regular old apartment not an expensive luxurious pent house! Brian wanted me to move into his bedroom with him but I insisted that because we were just getting into the relationship I wanted to have my own bedroom and bathroom. He reluctantly agreed and helped unpack my things.

                Today was the third day for me to be in his pent house with him. I was now almost five months pregnant.

                “Where’s demon Axl gonna sleep?” Brian asked.

                “I was thinking we could keep a crib in your room and another in my room so that way we can take turns having Dean sleep in our rooms with us, just while I’m sleeping in here. If we end up working out then he can have this bedroom for himself,” I suggested.

                Brian nodded with approval, “sounds good.”

                After we finished the rest of the unpacking Brian and I went into the living room and sat on the couch. He put on an episode of Supernatural then grabbed me a glass of sweet iced tea and himself a beer. “Thanks,” I said when he handed the clear glass to me. “No problem,” he responded. Brian sat really close to me on the couch and wrapped his arm around me. I took that as an invitation to get comfortable so I put my sock covered feet on the maroon leather couch and leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder. I glanced up at him and noticed a small smile creep onto his face.

                I wonder how long this would last.

                “I have another doctor’s appointment, do you want to come?” I asked Brian three days later.

                “Yeah let me grab my jacket,” he responded.

                “Okay, by the way Jimmy’s on his way over, he wanted to come,” I said.

                Just as I had finished my sentence as if by magic there was a knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it revealing Jimmy who was dressed in cargo shorts and a black t-shirt with a graphic design on the front. “I’m ready to go,” he grinned.

                “Ahh so the boyfriend is still here,” Dr. Smith said sarcastically. Brian ignored the doctor’s remark. “And who is this?” Dr. Smith asked looking at Jimmy. “Jimmy Sullivan,” Jimmy said. Brian and Jimmy were both seated in chairs while I layed on the bed. When the 5’8 doctor reached out to shake Jimmy’s hand he stood up and shook the doctor’s hand, a proper greeting. When Dr. Smith saw how tall 6’4 Jimmy was he stared at him in shock then quickly looked away from him towards me.

                “I’m assuming that’s the boyfriend’s friend you were talking about,” Dr. Smith smiled at me. I nodded, “yes he is.” “How are we doing Blake?” he asked while getting the ultrasound ready. “Everything has been fine, the baby has been kicking a lot,” I answered.

                The doctor nodded approvingly as he rubbed on gel and started the ultrasound. In a minute the baby popped onto the screen.

                Jimmy walked over awestruck by the image on the screen. He grabbed my hand and grinned, “so that’s Dean.”

                “It’s Axl,” Brian corrected Jimmy while standing up and walking to my bedside, “if that baby is going to be named anything it’s going to be Axl.”

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