Chapter 30

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                “No turning back,” Brian sighed as we walked into the building. “Don’t worry it’ll go by quickly,” I assured him. As we entered the small room with yoga mats laying around with people sitting on them, all eyes focused on us. “That’s Synyster Gates,” someone whispered.

                The female teacher smiled mainly at Brian and said, “class we have two new members joining us, this is Brian and his girlfriend.” She paused because she forgot my name.

                “Blake,” I finished for her a little annoyed.

                The instructor smiled at me then turned her attention towards Brian again. “Hi Brian I’m Sierra,” a bleach blonde jumped up and introduced herself. She was tan with bright blue eyes and a rocking body. She wore a hot pink sports bra with black yoga pants to match. Her hair was in a high bouncy ponytail. I glanced at her defeated boyfriend sitting on the ground.

                “Hello Sierra,” Brian smiled back at her, “you don’t look pregnant at all. You shouldn’t be in this class,” he smirked.

                Sierra giggled and flicked her ponytail off of her shoulder, “I’m not, I’m actually here because of my boyfriend. He’s ready to become a parent and I’m not but I let him drag me here anyways.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

                “Come on Brian why don’t we sit over here, class has to start,” I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a corner where it was just us.

                “Aren’t you Synyster Gates? The lead guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold?” another girl next to us asked.

                “Why yes I am,” he responded, another million dollar grin was on his face.

                I rolled my eyes and tried ignoring the fact that most of the girls in the room were staring at Brian and two were already flirting with him. We hadn’t even been there three minutes.

                “Aww shit. What the fuck are they doing here?” a familiar voice asked.

                Brian and I looked over to see Zacky in a white v-neck with black basketball shorts and a green yoga matt.

                “What the fuck are you doing here? This is yoga class for soon to be parents,” Brian asked back holding back a laugh but also a bit of embarrassment.

                “I come here to relax and get anger out. I came to a parenting one just in case any of you guys decided to take yoga, I didn’t want anyone I knew seeing me do this. I didn’t realize Blake would be persistent enough to get you to take one of these,” Zack groaned and rubbed his temple. Before Brian or I could say anything else he moved to the opposite side of the room and set his mat up there.

                “Okay lets get started,” the instructor said while flashing a pearly white grin at Brian.

                “Let’s start with the first pose, this is called the downward dog. Brian can you come up here and help show us what that looks like?” the instructor who’s name I found out what Hannah asked.

                “Of course but I don’t know how,” Brian said even though he worked out and he knew perfectly what that was.

                “Oh don’t worry I’ll help you,” she grinned.

                As he walked up there I saw a few very pregnant women staring at him, grinning, and batting their eyelashes, right in front of their husbands!

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