Chapter 22

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                The past three weeks I had been eating nonstop, I was an emotional wreck, and I felt self-conscious. Of course I was supposed to get fat, after all there’s a human being growing in my stomach but I hated when little kids stared at me at the grocery store. I couldn’t fit into any of my old clothes and I had to shop for new clothes for the future when I got huge and some for right now.

                I had doctor appointment today to see if everything was going okay with the baby. I had texted Brian earlier to see if he wanted to come with me but I hadn’t received a response yet. This would be my fifth time to see the doctor without Brian. I went a couple of times when I still wanted an abortion to make sure it was the right thing to do. Now I know, it wasn’t.

                “Congratulations Ms. Blackwell, the baby is doing fine. If you want tomorrow you can come back and I’ll gladly tell you the gender,” Doctor Smith said happily. “Thank you Dr. Smith, I’d love that,” I responded gratefully. “But bring the father, I want to meet this man that won’t assist you in anything,” Dr. Smith raised his brows, “it’s unfair for him to treat you like this.” I nodded, “if I can’t get him to come, I’ll bring his friend.” Jimmy would come.

                “I won’t be able to go,” Jimmy whined over the phone. “Why?” I asked not satisfied with the answer I received. “I promised Johnny I would help him plan his proposal to Tori.”

                I froze.

                “I’ve already said too much. Blake. You cannot tell anyone,” Jimmy begged, a hint of panic in his voice.

                I didn’t know what to say. Johnny and Tori have only been dating for four weeks! Why was he already planning to propose to her?

                “Jimmy, you cannot let Johnny go through with this! Tori will say no! I already know, yeah sure she likes him but I’m sure she doesn’t love him! It’s too soon!” I shouted over the phone.

“Blake, please I wasn’t supposed to tell you! Don’t tell anyone!” Jimmy begged.

                “Jimmy don’t let him!” I shouted louder.

Jimmy made a whining noise then hung up.

                I started to panic, Johnny was going to get his feelings crushed. If he proposed their relationship would end. How did Johnny even know if he loved Tori? This was way too soon! Four weeks! That’s hardly even enough time to really get to know the person your dating let alone marry! I rubbed my forehead and texted Johnny.

                Get over here now.

                “You’re planning on proposing to Tori after four weeks of dating?” I asked trying not to yell at the little man sitting in front of me.

Johnny rolled his eyes and mumbled, “I knew I couldn’t trust Jimmy with this, oh and by the way,” his voice grew louder “you got pregnant with Brian a couple of hours after you met him, even when you thought he was a scumbag,” Johnny fought back we were both in angry moods. He was angry at Jimmy for telling me about his plans and I was angry at Brian, the baby, Johnny, my life, everything. This could only go one way.

                I felt my face flush with anger, “leave me and Brian out of this. You’re asking a girl you met four weeks ago to spend the rest of her life with you! Do you even love her or are you just so lonely that you’d do anything to bind someone into your life with you?”

“Isn’t that exactly what you and Brian did? Unlike you two Tori and I don’t try to push each other away. These past four weeks have been the best weeks of both of our lives. In fact she said she loved me first! I know everything about the gorgeous woman I’m with, everything! And she knows everything about me! At least I’m asking if she wants to be with me for the rest of her life. You forced Brian to spend the rest of his life with you!” Johnny yelled.

                I stared at him shocked. “You think I wanted this?”

Johnny sighed, “look I didn’t mean to go that far but you can interfere in mine and Tori’s relationship when you get yours straightened out.”

                I felt angered tears flood my eyes but I fought against them. I blinked them back then asked in a softer, more calm voice, “but why so soon? Why get married so soon?”

 Johnny shrugged then rubbed the back of his neck, “seize the day or die regretting.”

                That night I called Brian.

“Yeah?” he answered.

                The sound of his voice calmed me, it was nice to hear it again. “Brian, we departed last time on a bad note.” I could hear him roll his eyes on the other side of the phone.

“What do you need?”

                “I’ve been to quite a few doctor’s appointments and the doctor really wants to meet you,” I bit my lower lip unsure of what he was going to say.

“Yeah I got all your texts.”

                “Well I’m going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl tomorrow, would you want to come see what your baby is?”

Brian sighed, “Blake right now, I want to live the life of a guy that isn’t going to be a father in a couple of months.”

                “I understand, I just thought you cared a little bit,” I said bluntly.

“Blake,” Brian said, his voice getting louder and harsher, “I care about the stupid baby I just want to live the life of a guy that isn’t a father before I become one, forever.”

                I didn’t respond.

The phone went silent for a second.

“I’ll be over in a minute.”

                I grinned excited he was coming, I was happy I was going to see him again even if he was a douchebag, “but wait, the appointment isn’t till tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah but I don’t know when and I figured I have to get back on your good side before we go see the Doctor that hates me,” he said.


|Thank you so much for reading!

I don't have a song for this chapter but I do have a picture of Johnny Christ!

I'm really excited to see the progress this story has, thank you guys so much for reading, voting, and commenting! Y'all are awesome!! :) Happy New Year!!

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