Chapter 24

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                The next morning came all too quickly. My alarm sounded at 7:30. The appointment was at 10. I took a shower then slid on a pair of black skinny jeans and put on a white long sleeve shirt with black stripes. My ash blonde hair went into a bun.

                “Brian wake up we have to leave in an hour,” I said softly to him. I stood above him over the couch. He looked so calm and peaceful while he was sleeping. It brought me back to the morning after we met. I remember waking up and seeing how peaceful he was when he slept. Of course then two seconds later he woke up and the fighting immediately started but while he was asleep he looked so, innocent.

                Brian took a shower then put on dark blue jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves cut off. He didn’t bother to fix his hair so it was all patted down and messy but it looked good.

                “So is this the kinda boyfriend or the kinda boyfriend’s friend?” Dr. Smith asked with a hint of attitude. I smiled as Brian took my hand, “boyfriend,” he answered confidently. “Yeah we’ll see what you are in about a week,” the doctor mumbled. “I’m sorry?” Brian asked confused. I squeezed his hand and walked over to the bed.

                As the doctor prepared for my ultrasound Brian’s phone rang. “Hello? … Jimmy? …. No we haven’t gotten it done yet. … Okay you’re on speaker,” Brian spoke on the phone.

                “Hey Blake,” Jimmy greeted me over the speaker phone.

                “Hi Jimmy,” I grinned. Just hearing his voice brightened the entire room.

                “I may not be able to be with you at the hospital but I am with you in spirit… by phone.”

                “Let’s just get this over with,” Brian sighed.

                He didn’t want this baby, I feared nothing would change his mind. The doctor gave him an annoyed look then smiled at me and got to work.

                As the baby appeared on the small computer screen I felt my heart skip a beat. I looked over at Brian who showed no emotion at all. I felt my heart sink. I was hoping seeing his baby on the computer screen would help make him change his mind about the baby but it was apparent that it didn’t work.

 “Man I wish I was there,” Jimmy complained over the phone. “Hey Jimmy what are you doing in there? I have to piss! Get out of the bathroom!” a voice yelled in the background followed by banging sounds on a door. “Go away Johnny I’m in the middle of an important call!” Jimmy yelled back.

                “Are you ready to find out the gender?” the middle-aged doctor asked. I nodded excitedly, ignoring Brian’s negative reaction to our son. It seemed too that Dr. Smith was disappointed with Brian’s reaction.

“Are you ready boyfriend?” Dr. Smith asked again. Brian was still staring at the screen. He seemed confused. “Brian say your fuckin’ ready man!” Jimmy screamed over the phone. Brian looked at Dr. Smith and nodded, “I’m ready.”

                “It’s a boy,” Dr. Smith smiled.

|Finally the gender is out! Brian was right :) Thank you guys so much for reading!

The picture is of Avenged Sevenfold going from left to right: Johnny, Brian, Matt, Jimmy, Zack. The song is "Seize the Day" by Avenged Sevenfold.

Thanks again for reading! I hit 1000 reads, that's so awesome thank you so much guys!! Y'all are awesome!|

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