Chapter 18

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                After Matt’s parents’ made their toasts to each other and everyone had cake and wine, except me, people started to leave one by one.

                Tori, Paige, and I went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes that Paige lent us while the guys borrowed some of Matt’s clothes.

                Paige wore a white tank top with a light blue button up shirt and dark blue jean shorts. Tori wore a yellow halter top with black shorts. I wore a large white t-shirt that belonged to Matt since most of Paige’s clothes were too tight on me. Under the t-shirt I wore light blue jean shorts and slid on a pair of black flip flops.

                We all made our way out to Matt and Paige’s campfire area to sit and watch the sun slowly sink behind the horizon. A few children were still playing outside in their now grass-stained dresses and suits.

                Tori sat next to Johnny, Matt and Paige sat together, Jimmy and Zack, then Brian and I on the last wooden bench surrounding a place for a fire. The boys then scattered and grabbed logs and twigs after we established who was sitting where. They piled everything on and Brian and Jimmy used their cigarette lighters to start it.

                Brian wore the same black v-neck t-shirt but he had on grey basketball shorts that belonged to Matt and he also wore black flip flops. Jimmy wore a red t-shirt with cargo shorts. Johnny wore a grey muscle top that Jimmy had made fun of earlier with black basketball shorts. Zack wore a black jack Daniels t-shirt and white basketball shorts. All belonging to Matt, it was obvious he was into basketball.

                After they got the fire going they all sat down next to their partners except Jimmy and Zack who had to sit next to each other. We were far from Matt and Paige’s mansion it was nice though. I was sure you’d be able to see the stars out where we were.

                We all talked about recent events including the kiss Brian and I shared making me feel a little uncomfortable.

                The later it got the colder the air got. I felt myself grow chilly and I shivered a bit. “Are you cold?” Brian asked. I looked over at Matt and Paige then Johnny and Tori. Johnny had his arms wrapped around Tori who was leaning her head on his shoulder. Both had a beer in their hands. Those two got together quickly. Matt also had his arms wrapped around Paige, a beer in one of his hands. She was snuggled into him lightly sipping on a coke.

                “A little but I’m fine,” I said avoiding eye contact with Brian. I liked this new nice Brian but something was off about all of this. The mood started to get awkward.

                “Come here,” he said lightly.

                “Brian, really I’m fine,” I planted myself firmly on the old wooden bench.

                He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, but I didn’t lean into him. I didn’t know what to do so we sat there awkwardly, his arms were wrapped around me yet we were both sitting up straight. “You can lean into me,” he whispered into my ear.

                I did what he said and rested my head on his chest area. I could hear his heart beating abnormally quickly. Was I causing it to do that? I noticed Jimmy and Zack look around at all three couples wrapped in each other’s arms. They then looked at each other and scooted away from each other.

                I noticed Jimmy look at Brian and wink. Brian’s heart continued to beat quickly. His breathing quickened a bit too. “You look good in Matt’s shirt,” Brian whispered into my ear. His breath smelled like beer and cigarettes, he must’ve been at least a little drunk to be saying all this.

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