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The first thing Shawn noticed when he entered The Good Luck lounge was that Taryn had her long red hair up in a tousled bun instead of a braid or ponytail. The stray loose curls around her face accentuated her pretty features yet softened her somehow.

The other thing that caught his eye was the fact that she had on a dress. Typically, she wore jeans and either a button down shirt or sweater. The weather had recently turned summer-like and she apparently decided to lighten her look in response. The navy blue dress was the kind that looked like a t-shirt, but the fact that her shapely legs were exposed gave it sex appeal. She had on simple white tennis shoes and several white bangle bracelets. The overall vibe was much more cute and youthful than her usual attire.

He spent a moment looking at her with true appreciation. She was a stunningly beautiful woman, and he was the lucky man that got to take her home. Holy fuck. They'd have the whole night to do whatever they wanted. He willed his body to cooperate and not embarrass him with an obvious erection.

Taryn finished at the table she'd just served food to and turned towards the door. There stood Shawn. Their eyes locked and a jolt of electricity shot through her, resonating in her core. After several moments of this, she let out the breath she'd been unconsciously holding and walked over to him. "You're early."

"I know. I figured I'd eat dinner here and then hang out until you're done." He leaned closer so that only she could hear him. "You look incredible tonight."

His compliment made her blush. "Thank you, but I feel out of place."

"Fuck no, baby. You're perfect."

She fought the desire to give him a kiss. They'd never explicitly discussed public displays of affection, but she knew he was wary of any potential attention. "Take a seat, and I'm going to order for you, if that's okay. I want you to try some of our new items."

"I was about to ask you for suggestions, so that's great," he told her as he walked to his spot at the end of the bar.

Taryn went into the kitchen for a minute and when she returned, she went behind the counter. "I think a beer would go well with what I've selected, though if you want to live it up, I can make you a margarita."

"Damn. I haven't had a margarita in forever. I love tequila, so hook me up."

"Frozen or on the rocks?" she asked.

"On the rocks is easier for you to make, yeah?"

"That wasn't the question. Which do you prefer?"

He grinned. "Frozen sounds really good."

Shawn watched as she took a bottle of Patron Reposado off the top shelf. Next she grabbed several limes from underneath the counter and juiced them, straining the yellow-green liquid into the blender. She added ice, a generous shot of tequila, simple syrup, and some Grand Marnier before pressing the button. As it whirred in the machine, she salted the rim of a glass, which she filled once it was blended into a slushy consistency.

"Here you go," she said as she placed it on a cocktail napkin.

He took a sip and then took another. "This is by far the best margarita I've ever had."

"You used to live in Los Angeles. I know for a fact that boutique bars there have much fancier versions of this drink with tequila that costs five hundred dollar a bottle."

"You know what? Sometimes the fanciest or most expensive thing isn't the best. Sometimes pure and simple is much much better."

She knew he was talking about more than just drinks and it made her smile.

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