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"It's good to see you again," Paul said with a warm smile. "According to my calendar, you haven't been here in over two months. Is everything okay?"

Shawn plopped down in the chair across from his therapist. "Not really. Taryn decided last week that we needed to take a break. Things are starting to blow up with my career, and I'm not getting much enjoyment from that. Everything was going so well, and now it's like my life is falling apart all over again."

Paul nodded thoughtfully. "Would you like to talk about your relationship or professional issues first?"

"I'm more upset about Taryn, so let's start there."

"What prompted her to ask that you take a break?"

"We've had some problems for awhile. I have this habit of offering her help and she gets so pissed at me about it," Shawn said.

"I need an example." He looked down at his iPad. "You told me the last time you were here that she was struggling with her dad's death. Have you been trying to help with that?"

"I have, but that isn't the kind of help that's the issue. It's when I offer her money that she gets mad."

"Hm. Is she struggling to make ends meet? Are you offering her financial assistance out of concern?"

"No, that is not it," Shawn began before explaining. "She has this dream of opening a brewpub, and I can make that happen for her. I've got more money than I'll ever spend in my life, so it's not like this is a burden for me. I even suggested a business partnership where she could pay me back."

"And what did she say."

"She told me no."

Paul cocked his head. "Did she give a reason?"

"She wants to do it on her own, but more than that, she thinks it's a bad idea because when we break up- and she actually used the word 'when'- it will be awkward to still be tied together by the business."

"If it's important to her to accomplish this by herself, then you're being the opposite of helpful when you try to give her money, even if you frame it as an investment. You're invalidating her feelings. As for her hinting that you'll break up eventually, it sounds like she's not secure in the relationship. Why do you think that is?"

Throwing his hands in the air, Shawn replied, "I wish I knew! I guess this is why she wants a break. I feel like she's going to use this time to decide if I'm worth keeping around or if she's better off without me."

"It sounds like you were taken completely off guard by the break suggestion. Was it made during the heat of the moment or were you having a calm discussion?"

"We were having a fight and she was talking about how unsupportive I am...wait, let me back up...what started the argument was that my new love song isn't about her, and I had a terrible interview where I was forced to admit that."

Paul grimaced. "Could this be why she thinks you're headed towards a break-up?"

"She brought that up before she learned about the song."

"Okay, but if you're able to announce to the world that your new love song isn't about your girlfriend, then you've probably been sending other messages that make her doubt your commitment."

"If I am, it's not intentional! I love her so much and I want to marry her one day. I'm not the one with commitment issues here!"

"Does she know you want that? Is this something you've communicated?" Paul inquired.

"No. Not directly. I tell her I love her all the time, but I haven't brought up our future because I made the mistake of moving too fast with that stuff when I was with Winter. This time I'm taking it slowly."

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