Part 1

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Betty POV

I was sitting at the island in my kitchen just scrolling on my phone when I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it and saw Veronica and Archie. B-"hey guys! Come on it!" I said moving to the side so they could walk in. V-"we walked here, and got questions from lots of paparazzi asking why we were out together." She said sort of laughing it off. Archie and I cracked a smile while they were taking off their shoes. B-"so what do you guys wanna do?" A-"how about we watch a movie and then see what we're up for." B-"okay!" I said while walking back into my kitchen. B-"I'll make popcorn, you two pick out the movie!" I yelled out to them. Archie walked in while I was putting the bag into the microwave. A-"we should probably do something about the whole 'Ronnie and I getting seen together' thing."
B-"yeah, but what?" A-"i don't know. Maybe an insta post of us cuddled up and Ronnie a little farther away." B-"yeah, something like that."

Archie and I aren't actually dating, it was just good for publicity. He's actually dating Veronica so they have to be very careful about their relationship. We have gotten used to having to make it look like we're still in a healthy relationship on the internet, but it's very tiring to pretend like this. When the popcorn was done I brought it over to my living room area and sat down on the couch. V-"here let's take the picture quickly and then either of you can post it later." A-"okay"

After we were done with the picture we sat in the spots we had been to watch the movie. B-"so what have you two been working on recently, I feel like it's been forever." I said grabbing a handful of popcorn. A-"well I've been working on this new movie with that one musician, you know the one with black hair" he snapped his fingers trying to think of his name. A-"Jughead! Jughead Jones." He said figuring it out. B-"oh I've heard of him. I don't know him though." A-"I don't really know him, we haven't filmed anything together yet." B-"anything new with you V?" I said to Veronica. V-"well my makeup company is starting to design a new eyeshadow palette." B-"that's exciting! What kind of colours will be in it?" V-"some pinky nudes and then like a few yellows." B-"it's gonna be gorgeous V."

Jughead POV

J-"Jess I'm really not in the mood." I said annoyed as Jessica was yelling at me because I hadn't  shown up in enough of her TikToks. Je-"well my followers need to see how perfect we are!" J-"perfect?! You're yelling at me because I haven't been in your stupid dance videos!" She angrily huffed out a loud sigh
Je-"I'm staying somewhere else tonight!" She said while grabbing a bag to put her stuff in. J-"good" I said while going back to working on some music.
I have no idea why me and her are together, we never really got along. I knew she was using me so she could be a social media influencer, I just don't know why we stayed together once she got a million followers. I heard my apartment door slam and I didn't even turn around cause I knew it was Jessica.

I was humming out a tune when the door opened again. Je-"Jug!" She said running in cheerfully and hugging my shoulders while I was still sitting in my chair. J-"weren't you staying somewhere else tonight?" I asked still annoyed at her presence.
Je-"now that's no way to talk to your girlfriend who just hit 5mil on TikTok!" J-"congrats" I mumbled while standing up to walk away. Je-"where are you going?" She asked confused. J-"away from you"
Je-"fine! Go have your little tantrum! I'm gonna make a cake and you better be in a better mood when WE make a video together for it!" She yelled as I walked into the bedroom. I plopped down onto my bed and fell asleep.

Jessica shook me awake about an hour later.
Je-"come on sleepyhead! Go make yourself camera ready!" She said kissing my cheek and making her way back into the other room. I sighed and sat up and looked at the time. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, quickly fixing my hair a little before walking out to her. J-"I have work in a little bit, so this should be quick." Je-"work?"
J-"remember the movie?" Je-"oh yeah. It will be" she said handing me a knife so I could cut her '5mil' cake while she filmed it.

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